Christmas Special 1 - Cookies, Cookies, Cookies

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"Okay, what do we have Miga?" You stand behind your daughter and you have everything prepared for baking cookies. Miga stood on a stool, her eyes wide open. She loves cookies and can't wait to eat them. But they were for her kindergarten group for the Christmas celebration.
"Butter, sugar, flour and CHOCOLATE!" She started giggling and was about to reach for the sweet one, but you push the chocolate a little behind.
"This is not for snacking, but for baking." You smile and tie her long hair into a braid.
"Well Miga, when are we going to the hairdresser?" Jaehyun came into the kitchen with Sunoh on his arm.
"I don't want." She pouted and crossed her arms.
"At some point, we have to cut them off." He sighed and watched you tie her hair together.
"Do you really want to send her to the hairdresser? You know how she always cries when we wash her hair." When you were done, you stroke her shoulder.
"Her hair is almost on her waist. How long should it grow?" Jaehyun looked at Miga with a broad grin. She shakes her head briefly to check that the braid fits and then put her hands on the table.
"Oh, I don't know either. But she feels comfortable with the long hair and she looks so pretty with it." You stroke the baby hair from Miga's face and look at her hairstyle. She had the thick and firm hair from her father.
"All right. But I don't do this anymore for long. You have to take care of it." He winked and you nod. If her hair was too long, you might cut it yourself.
"Well, if we have clarified that now, we can start baking." You look admonishingly at your husband and put an apron over your daughter.
"You look so cute. Wait, I'm taking a picture." With one arm he pulled his phone out of his pocket and took a picture. Miga sometimes had a hard time grinning naturally at photos and usually only showed her little teeth.
"Very cute." He put his phone back in his pocket and put his arm around his son again. You put the ingredients into a bowl and start mixing everything with Miga. When the dough was ready, you form small balls. But then you hear a little scream from Jaehyun. You and Miga look at him in surprise.
"When did Sunoh become so strong?" Your son had the pendant of his chain firmly in his hand and he tried to loosen his hand so that he didn't hurt him.
"Well, he only gets the best food." You winked and Miga giggled as she watched her father try to untie his pendant from Sunoh's hand. In the meantime, the little boy tried to put the pendant in his mouth.
"Oh god Sunoh. Let it goooo." Jaehyun laughed too and finally managed to free the chain.
"Maybe you should stop wearing chains while Sunoh grabs everything and puts it in his mouth." You laugh and roll the next dough ball.
"What? No! The chains are part of my style." He tucked the chain under his shirt and hoped that his son would not reach for it again.
"Miga always pulled my hair at that age. I always kept it tied together." You smile and put the last ball on the baking sheet. You lift Miga off her stool and put the sheet in the oven.
"So Miga and now we have to wait until the cookies are ready." You wanted to look for a pretty Christmas can with her, but she was interested in something else.
"Daddy, play with me now." It was now too long for her that Jaehyun was with Sunoh.
"My princess, we bake the cookies first." He laughed and rocked Sunoh back and forth. The little boy became more and more restless, formed a fist and started sucking it. You got up and stroked the baby's head.
"Apparently someone's hungry." You smile and Sunoh looked at you with wide eyes.
"We'll finish the cookies quickly and then you can go to Daddy okay?" You take your little daughter by the hand and take a look in the oven.
"Can we eat them right now?" Miga turned to you and leaned her body against your shoulder.
"When the cookies are cool, you can have one, but the rest is for the Christmas party in kindergarten tomorrow." You give your daughter a kiss on her temple and she nods reluctantly. Then the kitchen clock rang, and you pushed Miga aside so that you could get the cookies out of the oven. You put the tin on the kitchen counter and put the potholders aside. Meanwhile, Miga clutched her father's leg and continued to beg for attention again.
"Daddy play with me now." She begged and looked a little jealous at her brother. You sigh and take from your husband Sunoh.
"It's incredible how fixated she is on you." You roll your eyes but smile.
"What can I say, I am blessed with wonderful women here." He winked and picked up his daughter to kiss her cheek.

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