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"Hello I am home." You hear Jaehyun's voice echo through the apartment.

"We are in the bathroom." You called back and leaned against the bathtub. Miga was playing with her rubber ducks when she heard her father's voice.

"Daddy is back!" She starts to squeak happily and splashes in the water. It was as sweet as she was glad to see her father again.

"Hi." Jaehyun grinned when he saw you. Miga was sitting happily in the bath tub and you are sitting with your highly pregnant belly next to her. He gave Miga, you and your belly a kiss, then he sat down next to you.

"Did you have to stay longer today?" Jaehyun should have been at home 3 hours ago. You didn't like it when he was too much in the company, because you wanted that Miga could experience a lot with her dad.

"Yes, I'm sorry, it's all turbulent." You didn't know why, but somehow you felt like he was lying to you. Jaehyun could not even look at you.

"What are we doing now with the contracts for Miga?" Jaehyun had quickly changed the subject, but it was also uncomfortable for you. SM Entertainment wants to get Miga into their company as early as possible, but you were not sure.

"Do you really think we should decide that so early, what if she doesn't like that?" You did not really want to decide your daughter's future so early.

"Maybe that's her purpose." Jaehyun strokes his daughter's head.

"Only because of the Doljabi?"

Doljabi is the ceremony, where the child for their 1st Birthday Party (Doljanchi) is placed in front of various objects. Which object the child then chooses represents the destiny and future of the child. You did not want to make this circus for Miga at the time, but Jaehyun and his family planned everything. But it was a nice celebration. Jaehyun's family, the NCT members and good friends were there. For the Doljabi these objects have been selected: Gavel, Stethoscope, Money, Books, Ball, Microphone, Test Tubes and a little Space Shuttle. Your mother-in-law sat Miga on a rug in front of all the objects. Even if you were against the ceremony in the beginning, you thought it was funny now. Miga just looked incredibly cute. She wore a pink hanbok and you would not want to let her go, because she was so adorable.

With wide eyes, she then looked to you and her father and did not quite understand what happened before her. Everyone looked at her and you were afraid that Miga might be scared. But before she can even think to cry, Jaehyun sat down in front of her and played with the objects. He showed her every single thing and Miga was fascinated by him. Then she started to crawl and hit the microphone and tried to pick it up.

So it was decided Miga's destiny was to go her father's way.

"Hmm maybe I can look at the contracts with a lawyer and maybe I can see it all - I mean the whole company." You try to get up and lift Miga out of the bathtub, but Jaehyun stopped you there.

"I'll do make an appointment for next week." He put Miga on a bathrobe and rubbed her hair a dry.

"Okay good. Please put Miga to bed, the baby and I need something to eat." Lately, you could not stop eating because you were always hungry. You went to the kitchen and let the two behind you.

"Well, my little girl, how was the day with Mummy?" He picked up his daughter and carried her to her nursery, where he put on her pajamas. Miga talked about her day, but since you were in your last month of pregnant, you don't do much with her anymore. You were often tired and hungry and you watched with her now more television. Jaehyun had a guilty conscience, realizing he might should be home more often to help you.

"Shall I sing you something or read a book for you?" Jaehyun picked Miga to bed and cuddled to her.

"Sing!" Miga loved it when her father sang for her. She already liked that as a baby. When she was only a few weeks old, she often cried because her stomach hurt. Jaehyun often sat with her all night singing something to her. It was the only time she forgot her pain and looked up at her father with her beautiful brown eyes.

After Maga was falling asleep, Jaehyun took a shower and thought about his life as a trainee. It was a tough school he had to go through. Did he really want that for his daughter? But if she was like him and loved music, maybe she wants it that way? Jaehyun was in a split, but that was not just his only problem ...

daddy jaehyun II Jaehyun JungOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant