ii.xxvi. (a)

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14.02. Press release SM Entertainment. A message from Jaehyun:

"Thank you to everyone who already congratulated me on my birthday. Unfortunately, we have no reason to celebrate. From the published photos you found out that my wife was pregnant again. Unfortunately, we got the news the day before yesterday that the child is dead. In such times, the family is particularly important, and I wish for nothing more than privacy for our family on this day. Please enjoy the day of love and appreciate the people around you. Nothing is self-evident."

You are lying in bed staring at Sunoh while he was playing with your sleeve. You were still sad, the pain was still deep. You were mentally broken and you were glad that Jaehyun took care of everything. But he was broken too and everything was very quiet.
Jaehyun had ordered something for breakfast, which he picked up and he came to bed with Miga.
"Daddy I have something for you." She hands him a card she made in kindergarten. It was totally lovely because it was Valentine's Day greetings but also birthday wishes. Apparently, her teacher had helped her.
"Thank you, sweetheart." He took his daughter in his arms and never wanted to let her go.
"Daddy I can't breathe." She giggled and she really liked it. Miga has been incredibly loving for the past few days. Jaehyun had explained to her that the baby is gone in your belly and that you are so sad about it. Since then she has been worried about you and trying to help where she can.
Meanwhile, Jaehyun clears up breakfast items on a tablet and Miga's eyes widen. It was all sweet things and your daughter couldn't be happier. You sit up and take the coffee that Jaehyun gave you.
"I ordered your favorite muffin. My only wish for my birthday is, that you eat this." Jaehyun handed it to you and smiled gently. You hadn't eaten since the surgery. You just couldn't swallow anything because you had lost your appetite. But you are still breastfeeding Sunoh and slowly you are out of strength. Jaehyun kept trying to give you something to eat, but you just couldn't.
"OK." You accept the muffin and try to smile slightly. It was Valentine's Day and Jaehyun's birthday after all and despite everything, you wanted him to have a nice day.
"I have a gift for you, but I've been bought it for a while, so I can't give it to you now." You actually had something nice for him for the night alone. But you weren't allowed to have sex anyway and you really didn't feel for it.
"Would you like to tell me anyway?" Jaheyun grinned and leaned forward. You whisper his favorite lingerie shop in his ear and Jaehyun bit his lower lip. He closed his eyes briefly and tried to collect himself. But then he gave you a kiss and stroked your cheek.
"Thank you." He looked at you gently and you buried your face in his neck. You were so glad that he was there to help you.

You spend the whole day in bed and watch Disney movies. And you just enjoy being close to your family. But you were still in pain from the surgery and still bleeding a little. And every time you see the blood it gave you a stab in your heart because you just realize every time that you are no longer pregnant.
In the afternoon someone suddenly knocked on the door and Jaehyun, followed by Miga, opened the door. Johnny, Johanna and Winwin were at the door. They had food in their hand and they all smiled slightly.
"Hey, we thought we'd have a look and we made you something to eat." Winwin looked around uncertainly, because they all didn't know how to react to your situation.
"Wow, that's nice. Come on in." Jaehyun opened the door fully and stepped aside. The three took off their shoes and carried the things into the kitchen.
"In principle, everyone wanted to come with us, but we thought it is not a good thing if everyone is here." Johnny explained this and put his box on the kitchen counter. Miga pulled on Johanna's pants.
"Are there cookies in there?" The little girl could smell sweets from far away.
"No Miga, but they're brownies." She explained this to her and Miga's eyes widened again.
"Can I eat it?" She grinned broadly, but Jaehyun picked her up.
"You just ate cookies. We'll take a break." He sometimes didn't understand that she wasn't sick of all the sweet things she could eat.
"How's Y/N?" Johnny asked carefully.
"Mummy is sad because her baby is gone in her stomach." Miga explained the situation and Jaehyun stroked her head.
"Yes, exactly, Mummy lost the baby." Then he turned to his friends.
"Well, the surgery was only two days ago. She's still in pain and well ... I can't say that she's fine." Jaehyun strokes Miga's hair as she stares at the brownies.
"Do you think I can look at her?" Johanna stroked her stomach uncertainly. She was afraid that it would trigger you, since she is already really pregnant.
"No, have a look at her. She's in the bedroom." Johanna nodded and went to you.
"Jaehyun, I think we know who leaked the photos." Johnny looked at him and Winwin became serious too.
"It must have something to do with Suji, but I don't know how she got the photo. It was only on my and Y/N's phone." Jaehyun drops Miga again.
"Mark saw our manager with Suji recently. We think they're in a relationship now, and Jungwoo said you borrowed your phone him because he wanted to check his mail." Winwin put his hands uncertainly on the counter and looked at Jaehyun.
"Oh my god ...I can't believe it." Jaehyun drove with his hand threw his hair. In the meantime, Miga reached for the brownie box and no one noticed through the serious conversation, that the box was moving.
"It can't go on like this. We talked to everyone and we will do everything we can to stop Suji." Johnny was determined and apparently, the whole situation had made everyone angry. Jaehyun looks at his friends and couldn't believe it.
"Thank you, because I don't know what to do anymore ..."

daddy jaehyun II Jaehyun JungWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu