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"Daddy, what's your favorite ice cream?" Miga swings her father's hand while walking down the street with Sunoh in a baby carrier on his chest. You had to do some things and Jaehyun decided to spend the day with the kids.
"Hmm, I like cookies." He smiled and looked down at his daughter.
"Me too." She squealed with joy and started to jump. Jaehyun had to laugh but tried to slow his daughter down a bit, so she didn't jump on the street.
"Shall we go and get some ice cream?" He asked then and suddenly Miga's eyes grew big.
"YES!" She started to giggle and put all her weight in her father's hand.

Nearby was a shopping center that they visited and Jaehyun knew a good ice cream shop in there. Miga was very excited. Her little steps were quick and she moved her father to the shop faster and faster. Sunoh closed his eyes and snuggled against his father's chest. The swaying swift movements rocked him into a comfortable deep sleep.
"Two cookie ice cream please!" Shouted Miga up to the saleswoman, who couldn't see the little girl at first properly.
"Very slowly Miga." Jaehyun came after her because she had run ahead.
"But you also like cookie ice, right?" She looked at her father in surprise and Jaehyun laughed.
"Yes, that's true."
"Two cookie ice cream. My little brother can't eat ice cream yet." Miga has a new habit of talking to strangers and telling them all sorts of things.
"Yes, your brother is still very small." The saleswoman said and looked at Sunoh with a smile.
"Yes, he is still a baby. I am already 4 years old." Miga raised her hand and showed 4 fingers to the saleswoman.
"Wow, then you're really big. Look, you'll get an extra scoop from me because you're such a good sister." The saleswoman was really nice and Miga's day was getting better and better.
"Thank you very much." Miga thanked her politely and Jaehyun paid for the ice cream.
They went to a bank in the mall and sit down with Miga. While she ate the ice cream, she kicked her feet and watched the people. Jaehyun also enjoyed his ice and looked to his children. He liked the day today. Miga and Sunoh were so peaceful and lovely today, so he feels a deeper connection with them.
"Can Sunoh eat one day also ice cream?" Miga looked up and looked questioningly to her little brother.
"Yes. When he got bigger then he can eat ice cream too." Jaehyun smiled and stroked his daughter's hair.
"Hmmm. Do you think, that he will like cookie ice cream too?" She looked at her ice and opens her mouth to make a bite.
"I'm hundred percent sure." At that moment, Sunoh opened his eyes and looked confused around. When he realized that you were not there, he started to cry. He always did, not that he could be alone with Jaehyun, in his first reaction he was simply looking for his mother since in the end, you gave him his food.
"Sunoh, don't cry." Miga stood up and stroked the hand of her brother. She was very gentle and soft because she no longer wanted him to be sad. He even stopped crying for a moment and looked at his sister wide-eyed. But after a few seconds, he cried again.
"Don't cry. Daddy, what's wrong with him?" Miga seemed to be really worried.
"He will probably be hungry." Jaehyun opened his backpack and picked a bottle between the whole thing. Then he unbuckled Sunoh from his chest and put him in his arms. He took the bottle and begins to feed his son. Miga looks over her father's shoulder and watches for a while. Sunoh's eyes widened as he drank from the bottle.
"Daddy?" She leaned against his shoulder and continued to look at her brother.
"Hmm?" Jaehyun's eyes remained on his son, watching him drink properly.
"Why does Sunoh drink from the bottle with you and with Mommy at her boobs?" Jaehyun started to laugh uncertainly at the question and he didn't know how to answer it at first.
"Well, only mommy's can feed babies." He hoped that she was done with the question, but Miga was very curious lately.
"But you also feed Sunoh." She now rested her chin on his shoulder and kept watching her brother.
"Yes ... but the milk in the bottle is from Mommy." Jaehyun thought you'd be better off explaining such things to Miga. You have always been better at such things because you have a better sense of children. But now he was alone with the curious questions.
"Why can Mommy make milk?" Miga could not stop asking. She wanted to know all, to understand everything.
"If a mommy has a baby in her stomach, and you remember that Mommy had a big belly for a very long time, then her body will start making milk as well to feed the baby." Miga listened and was quiet afterward. Jaehyun was glad the question and answer session was over. But then she takes a breath and he realized that it went on again.
"Daddy? How did Sunoh get into Mommy's stomach?" That was exactly the question that Jaehyun never wanted to answer his daughter.
"Um ... well Mommy and me ... I mean ... Mommy has ... I have ..." Jaehyun did not know how to explain it to her.
"Hey, do you like another ice cream?" Jaehyun chooses the cowardly variant. He could not talk, he could not explain that to his daughter.
"YES!" The good thing was that Miga was easy to bribe with sweets and she forgot her question immediately. Jaehyun handed over some money and give her a kiss on her forehead.
"Buy another ice cream, you can choose what you like."

daddy jaehyun II Jaehyun JungUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum