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Jaehyun sat at the dining table with his daughter Miga and both drew something. You were quite restless this morning. Every food wasn't good for you, but you were very hungry. You search the entire kitchen to find something edible for you.

"Babe, are you okay?" Jaehyun was also nervous about you running all over the kitchen.

"We have nothing to eat." You lean exhausted against the fridge. The little boy in your belly did not make it easy for you in the last few days. He was very wild, constantly kicking and you had the weirdest cravings. It was never so bad with Miga and slowly your new pregnancy developed very differently.

"The fridge is completely full, don't you really find anything?" Jaehyun laughed and set aside the pencils in front of him.

"No! I mean there is something...but no...that's stupid." You start to run nervously through the apartment again.

„Y/N, what do you want? I'll get you anything you want." Jaehyun got up and drove through Miga's hair. She loved it when he did this random. She always pinched her eyes together and started to smile.

"Do you remember this little bakery in the place where we got engaged? They had wholegrain pretzels with caramel and, oh, and then this cocoa with the salted marshmallows. I would give everything to get this."

"And what if we go there?" Jaehyun's face was the same, but you were not sure if he was serious.

"That's 3 hours away!" It was a small sweet place by the sea. Jaehyun proposed to you there years ago. You spent three nights in a small hotel and it was one of the best memories you had. From time to time you were still driving to this place. But since Miga was born, you have not visited it. Sometimes you wonder if much has changed.

"I'm serious! Let's go there, we'll stay there for one night. I have a free weekend, we should use that. Miga will love it." You liked Jaehyun's idea. As long as you were able to move, a little trip wouldn't be a bad idea.

"Okay, then I'll pack the things for us." You grinned and kissed Jaehyun.

The drive was pretty calm. Miga had her nap right in the car so you did not have to listen to children's songs for three hours. Jaehyun and you could reminisce about your first visit at this place. It were cozy hours in the car and when you saw the sea, your heart got warm. Miga was still sleeping all the time, but you could not wait to show her the beach.

The first place you visited was the bakery with the special pretzel and cocoa. It was right on the pier so you could sit outside. Miga was still sleepy, but when she got a plate full of biscuits, she was suddenly very quickly awake.

"Maybe we should not give her that much sugar." You stir in your daughter's cocoa so it can cool faster.

"Oh, today it's okay. We're on vacation." Jaehyun grinned and looked into the distance. It was so peaceful here, the sea air smells wonderful and the sun threw a unique light on the village. And you finally had your long-awaited pretzel with caramel. When you ate the first one, you could not stop it. It was exactly what you needed.

"I think we have to buy a few more." Jaehyun laughed and tasted a piece. But he quickly made a disgusted face.

"Well, I don't really like that. I don't understand how you can eat so many of them." He took a long sip of his water to rinse the taste off.

"Ask your son in here, he's responsible for my cravings." You lean back and start stroking your stomach. And again you feel how the little one wriggled in you and kicked his feet.

„Hey little boy, let your mother eat something decent." Jaehyun also touched your belly and at that moment your child is firmly kicking his hand. His eyes grew big and he could not believe it at first.

daddy jaehyun II Jaehyun JungWhere stories live. Discover now