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At first, you thought Jaehyun was drinking too much at Johnny's wedding, but it turned out that he was sick. He had the flu and his throat was sore. As if that wasn't bad enough, Sunoh began to teething at night. He was actually a baby that almost never cried and always laughed. But apparently, it hurt him so much and he cried all night. If you put your arms around him and devote yourself entirely to him, singing something to him and speaking to him, then he became calm. But as soon as you take him off or fall asleep, he starts to cry again. At some point in the morning, he finally fell asleep, but you don't dare to take him off.
"How are you?" You grab your husband's forehead with your free hand. He was still very hot and he looked very tired.
"Well, a little better than yesterday." He sighed and closed his eyes. You stroke his hair and try to sleep a little too. And this time you succeeded, because apparently Sunoh was so exhausted that he slept at least two hours. He was sleeping on your chest and you held him tight so that he could feel that you were with him. But then he feels his teeth again and started to cry again. You hum him a song and suddenly Miga comes cautiously into the bedroom.
"Mummy?" She was still wearing her pajamas and her hair was all messed up. "Is Sunoh okay?" She must also have heard her little brother cry all night.
"Did he wake you up?" You look at your daughter as she came to bed with you. She nodded and gently stroked her brother's head.
"But it's okay, mummy." She smiled and looked up at you like an angel. You were very proud of her because she grew more and more in her role as a big sister.
"Sunoh is getting his teeth and that hurts him." You explain it to your daughter and she continues to watch her brother.

"Miga?" You removed the baby carrier from the moving boxes again so that you could still carry Sunoh on you. But you couldn't take care of Jaehyun. "Could you take care of your daddy a bit?" The little girl came to you and nods.
"Can you bring him that?" You give her a plate and look at her conscientiously. She nods seriously and went carefully into the bedroom. Jaehyun had just woken up and the first thing he saw were two small hands gripping a plate.
"Miga? Did you do that for me?" He smiled and picked up the plate. Miga climbed into bed with him and sat right next to his head.
"Mummy did it. Daddy are you sick?" With her dark eyes, she looked at her father with concern. Jaehyun had to smile because he was touched that she was so worried.
"Yes, my princess." He stroked her cheeks, he didn't want that she is worried because of him.
"What hurts you?" She looked at him questioningly and at that moment Jaehyun saw the resemblance to you. She had his eyes, but the facial expressions were yours.
"My throat hurts, I can't sing now." Jaehyun sighed because he soon had to get well. After you moved into the house in the next days, the work for his solo album had to be done.
"Daddy, everything will be okay." She looked at him seriously and then kissed his neck. Jaehyun laughed and hugged his little daughter.
"Are your kisses healing?"
"Yes! If I hurt myself, Mummy always gives me a kiss and it's good then." She smiled and gave him a few more kisses on his neck and face.

Jaehyun stayed in bed with Miga for the rest of the time. She kept trying to take care of her father, giving him lots of magic kisses and pats his face. At some point, you will also come to the two, Sunoh still firmly on your body. He now had a cold washcloth in his mouth, because that should calm his swelling.
"Jaehyun, our attorney called." You sit next to Miga, who was snuggled close to her father.
"Is it about Suji?" You filed a lawsuit a few weeks ago because of defamation. There were strict laws in Korea because of this and it made it relatively easy for you because Suji made everything public.
"Yes, the lawsuit has been accepted." Of course, you're happy about that, but you're still afraid of the whole trial. You knew that many questions would come up about your miscarriage. You wanted to be prepared for everything, so you had contacted Harvey, your ex-boyfriend. Only Jaehyun knew nothing about it...

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