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the Jung's in Switzerland / part 4

It has now been several days and you have really enjoyed the time in Switzerland. Jaehyun tried to teach Miga skiing, but she didn't like it that much. He might want to try to teach it again next year. But she had more fun with snowball fights, building snowmen and sledding. But even the good times must come to an end. And you could finally free the other guys from Miga. She loved to get so much attention. Especially from Mark, but also Lucas, who is a new competitor.
For the last evening, you sat down to eat together some cheese fondue. Lee Soo-man had to say goodbye prematurely because he got sick. But when you came to the dining room, everything was prepared for the fondue. Miga immediately sat between Mark and Lucas and grinned widely.
"My Princess, what are we going to do with you when you get older?" Jaehyun was already worried about what kind of guys she would come home with. He would never let go of his little girl.
"In any case, she will make life difficult for her father, since she can already flirt great." You joke, but Jaehyun looked at you in panic. You had to laugh and stroke his head.
"Can we start? I'm really hungry." Mark's eyes grow big and leaned over the pot of cheese. Miga immediately took the fork and took a bit of bread to dip it straight into the cheese. Of course, the cheese immediately fell over the table and you exhort her immediately.
"Miga watch out! Or you'll have to sit next to me." On days with Mark, it was a punishment for her to sit next to you.
"Nooooo!" She crossed her arms and made a pout. Mark meanwhile cleaned the trail of cheese that led to her. At that moment, Sunoh got restless and you hug him so you could rock him.
"Look, I'll give you a piece." Jaehyun also took a piece of bread that he dipped in the cheese and brought it to your mouth. But the smell totally disgusted you.
"What cheese is that? It smells really bad." You pull your head back and Jaehyun smells on it.
"No, it's normal for cheese fondue. But I think that you love this?" Jaehyun looked at you in surprise.
"I don't know. I feel so tired today, maybe I got infected by Lee Soo-man. " You sigh and swing your baby, which slowly calmed down.
"Oh, that can be. He also had something with his stomach." Mark looked at you and dipped his bread in the cheese again.
"Hmm maybe. I'm going to bed with Sunoh, we're going to fly to Lapland tomorrow and I want to be fit for this." You have decided not to travel home with the other idols. The last time at the airport Miga was stressed so much and you wanted to spare that. Jaehyun and you thought it would be fun to travel to Santa Claus Village to make Miga happy.
"Okay, get well soon." Taeyong smiled and grabbed bread too.
"You can also bring Miga up to me if you want to be alone with the boys." You whisper in Jaehyun's ear and he nods, smiling. He said goodbye with a kiss and you went up to the room. In bed, you're still playing with Sunoh lying down, but then you fall asleep.

It was early in the morning when you had to go to the airport. Miga was still very sleepy and she still slept on Jaehyun. Sunoh, on the other hand, was awake. You had just breastfed him and you walked around a bit to make him fall asleep more easily. Plus, you could use the chance to go shopping a little in the duty-free area. You're just looking at a few perfumes as you look in the mirror and saw how Sunoh lays his fingers in the hair of a random woman.
"Oh, I'm so sorry! He's been grabbing up everything he gets in his hands in the last time." You felt bad because the woman's hair was now completely messed up.
"No, that's good. I have to get used to it because I'm pregnant too." When you look at the woman now, you see her little ball.
"Congratulations! In which month are you?" You smile friendly and see how the woman caresses blissfully over her belly.
"I'm in the 3rd month. I'm very excited, but at the same time I'm so sick." She sighed and looked down at her stomach. You could understand it, you felt the same way in your last pregnancy.
"Sunoh is my second, but I was so sick for the first three months. I was always tired and I felt ill the whole time. My second pregnancy wasn't so bad, I had to look at my daughter at the same time and so I forget that I feel sick." You tell while Sunoh was playing with your collar. Slowly he was struggling with fatigue, but he was just so curious and wanted to explore everything.
"Oh yes, I'm tired too. I hope that will get better soon." The woman sighs, but then smiles again when she looks at you with your baby.
"Yes, it will, but you have to get used to the lack of sleep." You both laugh and then say goodbye.

Actually, you found the conversation very nice, but then came to you a thought that freezes you.
No! It would be too early right? Could it be possible?

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