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"Welcome to Hokey Pokey, your daughter will love our kindergarten." Choi, the kindergarten teacher, smiled and greeted you. She had a big smile on her face, but for your taste, she was too happy. Jaehyun caught your eye and took you by the hand. He knew that you were tense, that your daughter is now going to kindergarten.

"We ask that parents always go immediately so that the children quickly get used to." Choi smiled again so awkward and you look at your daughter who was just looking at the playgroup.
"We just got here ... "You look desperately at the teacher, but Jaehyun interrupted.
"Come on, let Miga make new friends." He was very calm and you don't understand why he wasn't mad at Choi either. But you listen to him and hug your daughter quickly. Jaehyun did the same, and as she leaves, Miga starts to cry.
"It's normal, it's best you go fast, then it calms down quickly." Choi waved while you couldn't move. You couldn't leave your baby alone here. Migra's face was all red and she grabbed after you while Jaehyun pushes you and the stroller out of the house.

"I don't like Choi, maybe we should give Miga to another kindergarten." You stir nervously in your tea and were angry about the kindergarten teacher. Jaehyun, Sunoh and you went to a cafe to enjoy the morning for a while. Your husband had taken a day off because he knew it would not be easy for you.
"Don't you like Choi or that Miga is in kindergarten now?" Jaehyun laughed and tried to calm you down. He had Sunoh on his lap, who is trying to reach for his father's croissant.
"Both." You sigh and set aside the spoon. In your mind, you were always with your daughter. How she was doing, what she thinks, if she finds friends.
"I have something for you." Jaehyun knew he had to distract you from the topic so you could think straight again. Out of his pocket, he handed you a white box with a bow on it. With big eyes, you accept the gift.
"It's not right for you, but I've seen it lately and thought it was super cute." Jaehyun grinned and now put his two arms around Sunoh. He was rocking his leg and the little boy started to grin.
"This little man will have the same laugh as you and will be breaking many girls their hearts." You look at the two and you are surprised that the similarity between them is already so strong. Did he inherit something from you?
"Now open it up," Jaehyun said, glancing impatiently at his present. So you open the box and see immediately that it was something expensive. You take out the fabric that was in it and put it on the lid of the box. It was a brown fleece baby bodysuit covered with the famous F for Fendi. It had a hood, which had two bunny ears, it felt incredibly soft and it was really cute.
"But Sunoh is already too big for that." It was quite small and your little boy is growing and growing.
"It's not for Sunoh, it's for our latest addition." Jaehyun smiled and stroked Sunoh's head.
"Jaehyun, isn't that too early?" You look over at him and sigh. After all, you were only in the 3rd week or so.
"I saw it and just had to have it." Jaehyun glanced at you and was so full of joy. Your heart became warm and you never thought he would be so happy about your third child. You put your hand on his cheek and give him a gentle kiss.
"Thanks, that really means a lot to me." That really did and Jaehyun was glad that you liked the gift. And even Sunoh seemed happy because he started to squeak happily.

In the early afternoon, it was time and you could finally pick up Miga. You couldn't wait to finally hold your sweet daughter in your arms again.
"Mummy, Daddy!" She shouted with joy and immediately embraced you when she saw you.
"My princess, have you had a nice day?" Jaehyun smiled as you lifted Miga up.
"Yes, we drew and sang a lot of songs." And when your daughter talked about her day, you knew it was the right decision to go to kindergarten. She could do so many things that you didn't have time to do otherwise because you also had to take care of Sunoh. And when a new baby comes, you might neglect her too much. It hurt, but you knew it was best for her.

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