54. Day 2 - Pet Play 🔥

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Callum's POV:

Irene untied me and I immediately fell on her. My legs felt like Jell-O, and this was only the first night.

She slowly guided me to the bathroom and placed me in the tub. However, she refused to remove my blindfold.

But I wasn't complaining. For some reason, the warm water felt a lot better when I couldn't see it.

"Stay here, I'll be back soon" Irene said and walked away. I heard the bathroom door close as her footsteps faded away.

I relaxed all the muscles in my body and leaned back. I love aftercare. It's so soothing and relaxing. I can get lost in here.

Irene came back around 15 minutes later and told me in was time to get out. She dried me up and led me somewhere.

Finally, when she removed my blindfold, I saw that we were standing in front of a mirror.

"Do you know what you are?" she asked as she hugged me from the back. "I'm your submissive mistress" I said. Irene chuckled.

"That you are. But what are you right now?" she asked as her hand came up to play with my collar.

"I-I'm your kitty" I said as heat creeped up my cheeks. This was as embarrassing as it was arousing. But I don't think I'm getting hard anytime soon.

"Exactly! And where do kittens sleep?" she asked, a childlike excitement lacing her voice. I gulped. I think I know the answer to this.

"I-In the c-cat bed" I said, now fearing that I'm gonna have to spend my night in an animal's bed. Irene smirked and led me behind the bed.

My breath hitched as soon as I saw what was there. It was a human cage! There was a pillow and a blanket inside the cage.

I turned around and looked at Irene pleadingly. "Don't worry, you'll fit in it. I've made sure you do" she said smiling.

I gulped looking back at the cage. I mentally cursed myself for doing what I did. Past me was dumb; present me is scared.

This is just the first night!

"Alright, go in now, so that I can also go to sleep" Irene said as she placed the cage beside the bed.

I slowly got on my knees, crawling very slowly towards the cage. I was trying to delay the events, hoping that Irene would change her mind.

But she didn't. And I eventually entered the cage. Thankfully, there was enough leg space in here if I slightly pulled my knees to my chest.

But head space? Heck no! My back was completely bent and I was sure I would need a back massage after this. My spine was crying in agony.

"Goodnight little kitten. If you want anything, just meow from in there and I'll help you" Irene said and locked the cage.

Once the lights were off, I tried to go to sleep.

Keyword – tried

The cage was fucking uncomfortable. For around 2 hours, I kept twisting and turning, to find a comfortable spot.

Eventually though, tiredness took over my body and I fell asleep; more like fell unconscious.


I woke up the next morning only to realize that this all wasn't a dream and I was still in the cage.

I groaned as I tried to sit up and hit my head on the top of the cage. Irene's chuckle grabbed my attention and I looked at her pleadingly.

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