44. Jealousy

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Irene's POV:

Words can't describe what's going on in my mind right now. I am happy, nervous, excited, scared; I'm feeling everything right now.

There have been many times I have begged my father to let me contact my mom. I know he has her number. But he always refused.

'She's not good enough for you Irene. You need to move on' were the repetitive words he used to say to me.

I stopped trying to convince him at the age of 12. I just gave up hope that I could ever see or even talk to mom again.

But now, that hope is back. The hope that 12 year old Irene lost, is now coming back with full force.

I have no idea how I will react once I talk to my mother. My heart is beating so fast just thinking about it. This could go either really good or really bad.

"Irene" Callum lightly shook me, pulling me out of my thoughts. "Sorry, I'm just...." I don't know how to complete this sentence.

"It's okay. I understand. Let's go or we're gonna be late" he said and I nodded. Today was Friday, and we were heading to dad's house.

Dad. What a word. It was a word I used to love just a couple weeks ago. It was a word I loved to scream out loud.

And now, I'm ashamed of it. It took me a lot of time to finally accept my father's true form. But once I did, I realized that the signs were always there.

Dad never allowing me in the basement, girls getting appraisals 90% of the time, him always being busy with work; all of it.

It was right in front of me, and I never noticed.

I sighed as I realized how stupid I had been to blindly trust him. But he is my father. How could I not trust him?

Soon enough, we reached dad's house and I had to put up my happy facade. I rang the bell twice before a maid opened it.

"Good afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Blackwood" the maid greeted. I just nodded at her and stepped in.

"Good afternoon to you too" Callum's voice sounded behind me. I turned around to find him respectfully smiling at the maid.

Happiness shone in the girl's eyes when Callum greeted her like that. I guess no one ever does that.

It's so surprising to me that just a simple greeting is making this girl so happy. I don't think I can ever realize how many people find happiness in such small things.

Maybe it's because I've grown up rich. But now that I have Callum by my side, I guess I'll learn all about it.

Besides, it made me proud of him when he became the reason of the girl's happiness.

The maid – who looked no more that 25 – snapped out of her thoughts and said, "Let me take that for you." But Callum just shook his head.

"It's okay. Just tell me where our room is and I'll place it there" he said. The girl looked like she wanted to protest, but agreed nonetheless.

Callum headed to our room while I headed to the home office. I know I will find dad there. I was proven to be right when I opened the office door.

"Hey dad" I cringed at how the word sounded coming from my mouth. I didn't like it anymore. I didn't want to say it. I'm ashamed of it.

"Hey princess" dad looked up at me and smiled. He opened his arms for me and I hugged him.

I had told him we were coming to stay over for the weekend. I was surprised when he agreed, but I guess it worked for us.

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