49. Back to Hell

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Callum's POV:

"Callum, you're going to have to go meet your sister."

The words continuously rung in my head. I have to meet my sister. I have to meet Alyssa. I have to meet one of my tormentors. How???

Apparently, there is some secret file hidden in Alyssa's room that I need to get. And for that, I'm gonna need to talk to her.

Alyssa might not be as bad as Sandra or Walter, but she is still evil. She loves to humiliate me. She loves to see me cry.

I remember one time when she purposefully broke on of Sandra's necklaces and put the blame on me.

I had a really bad beating because of that. But to her, it was just like a show. She said I deserved this beating for being weak and useless and for killing mom.

Mom. That was the return price of this. If I got this file, then they would send me my mom's phone number.

I can contact her. I can talk to her. I can ask her why she decided to leave me in this hell.

"Will you do it?" Irene asked me. The call had come in the morning; we were having dinner right now.

"I want to. But I don't know how I will do it" I said and put my head in my hands. This is so hard!

Irene walked up to me and hugged me. "It's okay if you can't Callum. No one is forcing you" she said. "But I want to talk to my mom" I said.

Irene pulled away and cupped my cheeks. "Is meeting your mom worth facing Alyssa again?" she asked. I thought about it deeply.

Did I really want to meet her that bad? The woman who gave birth to me. The woman who carried me for 9 months.

The woman who left me. The woman who left me to suffer and cry. Do I really want to meet her? Yes. Yes I do.

"I want to meet her so bad Irene" I answered her question. Irene sighed. "Then you have to do it. There isn't a choice" she said.

She's right. I have to do it. It's time to go back to the 'Hell on Earth'.


"Oh Irene!" Sandra greeted her with that big fake smile of hers. She looked at me over Irene's shoulder and gave me a hateful glare.

Honestly, these glares don't even affect me anymore. I'm just used to it by now. It hurts when my father does it, but other than that, it's fine.

"Come on in" Sandra pulled Irene in. "What brings you here?" she asked once we were settled in the living room.

"Oh nothing much. We were passing by and I thought 'why not meet my in laws'?" Irene replied with a smile.

"And Callum agreed?" I froze as I heard the voice. The voice haunts my nightmares. The voice that makes me want to throw up.


"Oh hey Walter" Irene smiled at him too. But her fists were clenched on her sides. I knew she hated him just as much as I do.

"What's up little brother?" Walter smirked at me before pulling me into a hug. I froze yet again, my hands itching to push him away.

"Want some more of me?" he whispered in my ear, sending shivers of disgust and fear down my spine. I just want to be out of here.

Walter pulled back and I relaxed a little. "Again though, Callum agreed to come here?" he repeated his question.

"No, he was reluctant at first. But then he said he doesn't want to disappoint me so he agreed" Irene replied.

Sandra looked at me and for the first time ever, gave me an approving look.

"Guess we taught him well" Walter gave me a subtle smirk which made me feel sick.

"I actually have to grab something from my room. I left it here when I came the last time. How about you guys talk and I'll just go grab it?" I said.

Sandra eyed me suspiciously, but then she looked at Irene and smiled. "Of course! Why are you even asking? It's your house too" she laughed.

God her laugh's awful! But at least she didn't say anything because Irene was here.

I quickly rushed upstairs to Alyssa's room. Now I know what you might be thinking. Why can't Irene do it? It would be much more easier for her.

Wrong. Alyssa doesn't like Irene. Apparently, she had a friend who was way richer than Irene and she wanted me to marry her.

But dad made a decision and it was final. So Alyssa just started hating Irene for no reason. She said Irene 'ruined her plan'. Whatever.

I took a sigh of relief when I entered Alyssa's room and saw no one there. I immediately got to work.

I checked every drawer, every cabinet, every shelf. But I found nothing. I checked under the bed, under the pillow, above the cupboard; still nothing.

Where could she have hidden it? Then, my eyes landed on a painting. A painting, I knew very well was not a simple one.

When Alyssa was 15, she had forced dad to make her a hidden safe in her wall. Some friend of hers did it, so she wanted it too.

That hidden safe, was right behind this painting. I know it because I had seen it get built.

In fact, everyone in my family knew about it. I don't think an outsider would figure it out though.

There was a lock on the safe, but when you've been locked in rooms for your whole life, you know how to open one easily. And so I did.

I opened the lock in less than a minute and file was in my hand.

I quickly rushed downstairs and put the file in Irene's bag while Sandra and Walter were distracted by her.

It's weird how Alyssa's room was empty, but I guess I just had good luck. I didn't have enough time to think about it anyway.

"Irene, let's go" I said as I walked to where she was. "So desperate to leave us already brother? Why don't you spend a night here?" Walter asked.

"Umm, n-no thank you. We have to do some w-work" I gave him the best smile I could form. They couldn't know Irene knew about their actions.

"Yeah, thanks for such a good treatment, but we'll take your leave now" Irene said and smiled at Sandra.

"Oh well, hope to see you soon" Sandra said while hugging Irene. Walter caught me off guard when he hugged me.

"Leaving so soon. Oh how I miss that mouth of yours!" he whispered in my ear before grabbing my ass.

I immediately pushed him away, water prickling in my eyes. Irene looked at me and her jaw clenched.

"We should go. Bye" she said and without another word she dragged me to the car.

"Did you get it?" she asked once we were seated. I nodded. "Was anyone there?" she asked and I shook my head.

Irene grabbed my jaw and made me look at her. "Did he touch you?" she asked, her voice deep and scary. I nodded slightly.

"FUCK!!!" she screamed and hit her hand on the steering wheel. I flinched at her actions and a single tear drop fell from my eyes.

There was no word shared between us other than that. The car ride home was filled with uncomfortable silence.

Irene didn't even look at me when we reached home. She just angrily went inside the house and stormed up the stairs.

I broke down into tears as soon as she left. She probably hates me now. She finally sees how disgusting I am.

She is repulsed from me now that she realizes what exactly Walter did to me. She's gonna leave me and never love me again.

What have I done to deserve this?

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