41. A Public French Kiss

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Callum's POV:

Another week passed silently. Everyday, they would send us a picture of my mother. And everyday, I would ask that picture – where are you?

Luckily for me, it's the end of the month. Which means there is a lot of work for me considering I'm the financial department.

It helps me not think of my mother as I can drown myself in work. Irene says I'm overworking, but I need it.

"Hey Callum!" a co-worker of mine greets. "Hey" I say back. "Come on. Time for salary" he says and walks out. I sigh.

At the end of every month, in our company, we choose the employee of the month. That person gets 10% extra in their month's salary.

I've been working in this company for almost 8 years now. And I have never gotten it once.

I don't even understand how they choose this employee. And for some reason, it's mostly girls. Sometimes even the same girl for 2-3 months.

I remember I once asked Irene on how this employee is chosen. But she said she doesn't do this. It's Harry's choice. He decides who will– oh wait.

Harry chooses this person, and it's mostly girls. Oh god! Half of our female employees are sleeping with my father in law.

I mentally cringed at the image that formed in my head and just rushed out of my small cabin.

All the employees were already there, but instead of Harry, Irene had the mic in her hand this month. Huh?

"Good Afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen!" Irene greeted. A chorus of good afternoon's was sent back to her.

Irene continued, "I know you all are probably confused on seeing me here, but I assure you, it's nothing bad. My father, has been stressed about a certain reason, which is why he is taking a break from business for a month. Until then, you all will be under my command."

Everyone nodded their head in understanding. But I just stood there in shock. Harry's taking a break? When did Irene find out? Why didn't she tell me?

I know that the 'certain reason' is the robbery. What if Harry's taking a break so that he can find out who stole the file?

What if he figures out it's us? What if he reports to the police? Shit! I don't wanna get arrested.

"You okay there?" the person beside me whisper asked me. "Yeah I'm fine. Sorry, just got a lot going on in my mind" I said, giving the girl a small smile.

She is the new receptionist. I don't know her name yet coz she joined only last week. And with pictures of my mother, last week has been shit for me.

"So, who do you guys think is the employee of the month?" Irene asked cheerfully. And THAT, is exactly why she is a dom and I'm a sub.

I could never muster up the courage to stand up there and address such a large gathering. Her confidence amuses me.

A chorus of answers were sent Irene's way. Different names echoed in the room. I just kept my head down and fiddled with my fingers.

I don't like this. So many people are giving me anxiety. It's surprising to me how I work in this company, and still don't know almost half of these people.

I need to socialize more.

"CALLUM!" I heard Dave, a co-worker of mine who works with me in the financial department scream.

I looked at him and realized he was screaming out MY name to be chosen as the employee of the month.

"Oooo! That's it!" Sara, another co-worker in the same department as mine said. Soon, my entire department was cheering on me.

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