19. I Told You I Liked Red

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Irene's POV:

Just like I had expected, I woke up to the smell of freshly cooked eggs and bacon. I smiled to myself, knowing that this was Callum.

I very well remember the first time he cooked for me. It was the best breakfast I had had in while.

"What's that smell?" I asked as I stepped in the kitchen. Callum smiled at me. "I made you breakfast" he said.

"Oh umm...thank you?" I pretended to be unsure. "You're welcome" he said and served the food.

"Oh wow! This is so good!" I exclaimed as I took the first bite. "Thanks" he replied. "So, what's your favorite color?" I asked.

For those of you wondering, mine and Callum's relationship wasn't always bad. In the beginning, both of us had tried to make it work.

But then Callum asked for more salary and I made assumptions. That's when things started going downhill.

Which is why, the first 4 months of our marriage had passed fairly well. And that's why we are at the breakfast table trying to know each other.

"Yellow" he replied, "what's yours?" "Red" I said bluntly. "This is so good!" I said with a mouthful of food. Callum just smiled.

Once done, I stood up from my place. "Well, I have to go to work. But see you soon" I said and walked away.

"Wait!" Callum called just like I had expected. "Yes?" I turned around. "Umm, can we go together? It's just that my car is at home" he said.

"Sure" I said, "be ready in half an hour."

Once we were both ready, we headed to work. This was the first time in a long while when we both were going to work together.

"Morning" I said to my receptionist and headed towards my cabin. "Morning" Callum also greeted her and headed towards his workplace.

Soon enough, it was lunch time and I called for Callum. Now this was something that I was adding. We hadn't done this before.

"Can I come in?" he asked as he knocked. "Yes" I said. "You called for me?" he said as he came in. "Do you have your lunch?" I asked.

He nodded. "Go bring it" I ordered. Callum was confused, I could see it. But he obeyed.

"Sit" I said as he came back. "Let's eat together" I smiled at him. His eyes widened in shock before a smile tugged on his lips.

As we ate, we also made conversation. We found out that we both like the romance genre in movies and decided to go home and watch a movie together tonight.

Now this was where we'd start making changes in our past story and try to work our relationship out.


Callum's POV:

At first, I confused as to why Irene wanted me to meet her during the lunch break.

But when she said it was so that we could eat together, my heart warmed at that. Such a simple act, carrying such a big meaning to me.

We talked and found out quite a lot about the other. We decided to watch a rom – com movie tonight since we both liked it.

Soon, lunch was over. After so long, I had fun during lunch. Irene was so sweet to me.

I really wished that this was the case between us since the start. But oh well, better late than never.

Once we reached home, Irene asked me if I could cook for her since she loved the taste of my food.

"Sure" I smiled at her and headed to freshen up. When I entered the kitchen, I found her standing there in an apron.

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