23. Contract

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Callum's POV:

The rest of the day passed by pretty normally. Except for lunch, when Irene decided that she would eat naked.

Those 20 minutes of lunch were the hardest moments I've ever endured. The control I had to keep on myself truly felt impossible to do.

Then, before dinner, Irene said she wanted to talk to me about something. "Sure, at the table then?" I asked and she nodded.

Halfway through dinner, Irene spoke up. "So um, Callum...." she started. "Yes?" I said, looking at her.

"What happened today in the laundry room and at lunch....were you okay with it?" she asked. I looked at her confused. "Pardon?" I spoke. Irene sighed.

"I mean, is this the kind of BDSM lifestyle you're used to or is it something different? Were you comfortable with what I did or do you want me to change my ways?" she asked.

A smile crept up my face as I realized that she was asking this for my sake; because she cared for me.

"I loved it. Every second of it" I replied. "Really?" she asked, sounding excited now.

"Mhm, except for the lunch, everything else was good" I said. "What was wrong with lunch?" she asked.

"How do you expect me to concentrate on food and eat that when a much more delicious dessert sits right in front of me?" I said.

Irene smirked. "Well, if you want, you can have that delicious dessert after every meal" she winked at me.

Ok no. This was supposed to be me teasing her, not the other way around. Now I was hard. Not completely, but still hard.

"What's wrong baby boy? Your jeans getting a little too tight for you?" she smirked. "Shut up!" I mumbled and looked away, blushing.

Irene leaned back in her chair and folded her arms across her chest. "You're a brat, aren't you?" she asked as she raised an eyebrow.

"Why do you care?" I said sassily. Irene gave me half a smirk before coming and standing right behind me.

She whispered in my ear, "Because I'm a brat tamer." The shudder that passed through my body was indescribable.

Her voice had taken that tone again. And that tone, never failed to arouse me.

"Now, are you hungry anymore?" she asked as she licked behind my ear. Oh god!

Now that Irene knew about my weak spot, I just know that she is going to abuse it as much as she can.

"Y-yes" I breathed out as I closed my eyes. A sharp bite to my ear and I squealed in pain.

I almost jumped out of the chair if not for Irene holding me down. "Yes what brat?" Irene growled as she dug her nails into my shoulder.

"M-mistress, yes mistress" I whimpered. Irene pulled away from me and I immediately sighed in relief.

"Was that too hard? Did I go overboard?" she asked as she massaged my shoulder.

Was it too hard? Yes.

Did she go overboard? Yes.

Was I extremely hard? Also yes.

"No mistress, it was good" I said. "Sure?" Irene asked with worry filled eyes. "It hurt. But I'm a masochist" I said.

Irene's eyes immediately turned into mischief filled ones. "So does mean that you're...?" she gripped my hardened cock through my jeans.

I moaned and wrapped my hand around hers. "Oh my, you're actually hard" Irene breathed out on my ear.

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