32. A Stalker

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Callum's POV:

I had really loved the date Irene had set up for us. It was one of the few things someone had done for ME.

Every time I think about the time we spent up at the mountain, a small smile forms on my face. I loved every single bit of it.

I also told her the reason behind my failed suicide attempt. It felt really good to talk to someone. I feel much more lighter now.

"You want coffee?" Irene asked from the kitchen. "Yes please" I replied back. We were cleaning the house today.

Last night was spent beautifully, but now it was time to do something productive.

And what better, than cleaning this huge ass mansion we live in....on a Sunday. Yeah no. I was not doing this willingly.

But Irene pushed me into it saying that the house needed a clean. Dare I say no to my wife!

"Here" Irene handed me a cup of coffee. "Did you already know I would say yes?" I asked. She rolled her eyes at me and walked away.

"I'm going to clean the pool now. Can you do the basement?" Irene asked. "Sure" I replied. How hard could it be?


"Kill me" were the first words that left my mouth when I saw the basement. The place looked like it hadn't been cleaned in years.

And before you ask, yes, I have never been to the basement of our house. Weird right? No, it's not.

I usually spent more of my time with Nova or at the office rather than the house.

My weekends were with Nova and the weekdays were spent working overtime at the office.

The house was nothing more than a hotel for me where I would get food and a roof to stay under.

But now it's different. Now it actually feels like a place I want to come back to every evening. And it's all because of Irene.

Anyways, back to the basement. What the hell is this place? It looked nothing more than a garbage bin to me.

The only difference was that instead of garbage, it was filled with random stuff. Most of which seemed useless to me.

"Here goes nothing" I said to myself and jumped into the mess in front of me. Pray for me guys.

After spending half an hour in the mess the basement was, I decided to take a break.

It still looked a mess. But if you had seen the before, you would definitely appreciate me for doing all this in just half an hour.

I was drinking water when my something shiny caught my eye. Huh? Treasure in this dump yard?

I kept the water bottle aside and went closer to the shining item. As I picked it up, I gasped as I realized what it was. It was a diamond ring!

It was such a pretty shape. The shine of the diamond was so bright, I just knew that it wasn't fake. 


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