"What?" Yeosang shouted softly, taking his phone from the older's grip. "Huh? He is inviting us bestie, not only me" Yeosang nudged his friend's elbow. Yeosang might have seen how his bestie has been bickering with San for a week now but he didn't failed to notice the way Wooyoung's eyes linger on the handsome dancer. "San is there too probably" Yeosang commented. And Wooyoung hated to admit but his heart raced at the mere thought of seeing San again.

"So? Should we go?"

"I don't know Yeo" Wooyoung sighed "I don't think I wanna see San" the boy continued before speaking again "Better said, I don't think San wants to see me" he groaned rubbing his eyes. Yeosang on the other hand shook his head at that thought. "I don't think that's the matter; Seonghwa didn't know we're together now. So he didn't have to be considerate yet he still referred to you." The younger expressed his thoughts and it honestly made sense to the dancer.

Wooyoung sighed again before nodding his head yes. "Okay then, I know you won't go alone either and I'd rather be there than be an obstacle to your happiness" the tan boy said lovingly to which Yeosang smiled appreciatively and brightly. "But you need to wear whatever I pick out" the dancer uttered, the younger giving him confused eyes.

"What's wrong with my outfit?" He stared down at his beige shorts and his baby blue, oversized sweater. "Nothing but we're talking about Seonghwa and his friends" Wooyoung pointed out and fair enough he didn't have to say more to convince the fluffy mop of haired teenager.

Wooyoung picked out some skinny black jeans with a white button up for Yeosang, styling it with his mom's oversized ciel cardigan and a plaid beret cause it made Yeosang look softer than he already was. And true to his thoughts; the boy looked lovable and huggable.

For himself he chose something more bold; cause it's Wooyoung after all. He wore his new oversized sleeveless shirt, which had some white fabric hanging at the end of it, his black pants with some chains and some fingerless long gloves and parted his growing wavy hair in the middle. He was satisfied. He looked sexy and the outfit itself screamed his name.

His best friend gasped when he saw Wooyoung in that outfit. He looked so handsome. Yeosang envied his friend's confidence, he could never show more skin than his calves... he was insecure. "Woo, you look so handsome!" He complimented, standing on his tippy toes to pat the older's hair. Wooyoung smiled affectionately at his friend. "Thank you my love" he replied before they decided to get moving.


Wooyoung rang the bell of the unfamiliar apartment door, his heart racing a bit as he fixed his shirt once again. Before Yeosang had the chance to calm his nerves himself; the door opened, showing a half black half white haired boy. They both have seen him a lot of times but they didn't know the name of.

"Hey! You must be Yeosang!" Hongjoong smiled at the youngest looking boy. His eyes lingered on the beret, the fashionista in him wanting to try it himself. The younger nodded his head blushing; Seonghwa must have talked about him, otherwise there's no reason for the boy to know his name.

"Come in!" He rushed to the side to make space for the boys to enter. They both followed Hongjoong awkwardly looking at the minimalistic decor of the apartment. It honestly suited their senior's image.

"Guys! The kids are here!" Hongjoong informed a second before the mentioned boys appeared on sight.

Seonghwa was the first to stand up, engulfing the adorable teenager in a warm hug, without even thinking about it at that. Seonghwa will probably take the fact that his heart squeezed in his chest at the tiny fists clutching on the back of his shirt to grave. The blonde blamed it to the fact that Yeosang was way shorter than him and he enjoyed the height difference. Probably. The blonde was a tad bit taller than the rest boys his age, though he wasn't taller than Mingi and Yeosang's hair barely touched his chin. It is a cute difference; it would make anyone feel something; okay!?

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