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The guests start to leave when Neha shouts, " Sumitra ji, what the guests said isn't wrong. Varun and Bela are not meant to be together. "

Sumitra looks shocked...

Mahir runs to Neha and pleads her not to speak anything but she continues...

Neha: I still remember that 6 years ago the same thing happened when Varun and Bela were sitting in the alter for their wedding. The only difference is that day they were to be married and today its their engagement. The moment tht giy entered back into my daughter's life, everything again fell back.

Sumitra (stammering): But... Varun ... Is Not...

Neha: I don't care that Varun is a nice guy or not. All I know is her true happiness is Mahir... She was the happiest being his namesake wife. Her world was complete... Look what happened when your other son forcefully tried to change everything.

Sumitra: But Bela also wanted to...

Neha: I can't agree that Bela chose Varun over Mahir. She had been with Varun for hardly 3 months and now another few days... But she is Mahir's wife from 6 years and I...

Mahir cuts her words in between and says, " She was my wife till today morning. Officially we are not married anymore. Our divorce got finalized and now she is the fiancee of my brother, Varun. Aunty, please accept what is happening... Because we know it is the best for everyone. (Mahir goes over to Bela, sits on his knees before her and continues) Bela, I promise you one thing. Your marriage will happen on fixed date with my brother, as planned. There won't be any change in that. I will make sure he gets bailed out and also wins the case as soon as possible. "

Bela glares at Mahir and then runs back to her room, who is followed by her parents. The guests leave the Sehgal Mansion and Mahir tries consoling her.

Mahir: Maa, please handle yourself. I will speak to our lawyers and will try to get our brother out as soon as possible.

Sumitra: I don't want my one son to suffer because of the other.

Mahir kisses on her forehead and leaves to the police station. The police place him in lock up and they complete the formalities by the time Mahir and Andy reach there.

Mahir: Sir, please let us talk to my brother once.

Inspector: See Mr. Sehgal, I can understand your worries but you have to respect the rules. You will be allotted only 5 minutes to talk to him and only one person can go to talk to him.

Mahir: Thank you so much Sir.

Inspector: But not today. You have to come back tomorrow.

Andy: But Sir, why all...

Mahir shows his hand to his father signing him not to question and speaks.

Mahir: Sir, can we please know the name of the girl who filed this case against my brother?

Inspector: Ok... (He checks the file) its Rhea Dhillon .

Mahir looks shocked hearing the name.

Andy: Who is she? I don't even know any Rhea Dhillon. Mahir, do you know who is Rhea Dhillon?

Mahir looks at Andy and nods in yes.

Andy: What? You know her? Great! Who is she? How is she related to ....

Mahir cuts Andy's words in between and speaks.

Mahir: Bela's best friend, Rhea Dhillon.

Andy looks at Mahir in shock.

Mahir: Rhea? We have to talk to her.

As Mahir turns to go, the inspector stops them.

Inspector: Mr. Sehgal, please wait. You cannot meet her.

Mahir turns back and asks in confusion, " Why? "

Inspector: She tried committing suicide a week ago and is currently in coma.

Mahir & Andy (in shock) : What?

Inspector: Yes. She was fine till a month ago but suddenly she started behaving weird making her family confused and then a week ago, she was found in a pool of blood with her wrist slit in her own room. And when Varun's engagement news came out, her parents filed for reopening the case, along with a restriction order from the court against your family.

Mahir: If we don't talk to her or her family, how are we going to know how all these happened?

Inspector: If you want, we will arrange a meeting for you with that family in our presence and also a recorded one so that nothing goes wrong.

Andy: Yes please. Arrange one meeting with them. Its very important for us.

Inspector: Ok. I need two days time.

Mahir nods ok and they go back to Sehgal Mansion. Sumitra rushes to them as soon as they enter home and asks them what happened. They tell her everything. Mahir then goes to Bela's room and finds Bela sitting in tears. He sits beside her and keeps his hand around her shoulder. Bela breaks down in his arms and says, " I never wanted this to happen. I never wanted to marry Varun. You forced me to agree and now see what happened. "

Mahir: Do you know who the girl is?

Bela: Rhea Dhillon, my best friend.

Mahir looks shocked at Bela realising she knows what happened.

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2023 ⏰

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