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As the sunrise hits Mahir's face, he slowly opens his eyes. He realises he is a bit late in waking up then usual. The flashes of previous night come into his mind making him blush and happy. He turns his face to the side to find that Bela's side of the bed empty.

Mahir thinks: I guess she woke up early and got freshen up. I am late today but she always gets up on time.

Sighing, he wakes up and freshens up. He comes out of his room when he hears laughters coming loudly from Varun's room. He walks towards it only to hear Bela's voice and Varun's voice. Finding it a bit weird, he enters the room to see Bela and Varun sitting on the bed, gossiping happily while sipping morning tea. Seeing him there, Bela stops laughing.

Varun: Bro, do you need anything?

Mahir looks at Bela and nods in no. Varun and Bela then continues talking to Bela as if Mahir isn't standing there. Mahir feels hurt and starts walking away from the room when he hears Bela saying.

Bela: Then we are going for date tonight at 8 PM.

Varun: Ofcourse!

A tear drops from Mahir's eye as he walks away. He goes to the dining room and sees Sumitra arranging table for breakfast. Seeing him, Sumitra asks, " Mahir, where is Bela? I didn't see her since morning. Is she ok? "

Mahir: Yeah. She is very much fine.

Sumitra: Usually she never gets late for breakfast. Where is she?

Mahir: She is busy.

Mahir starts leaving for office seeing which, Sumitra feels weird.

Sumitra: Mahir wait.

Sumitra goes near Mahir and asks, " Mahir, did something go wrong between you and Bela? "

Mahir: There is nothing between us to go wrong.

Sumitra: Mahir, I know you are upset with something. Tell me what happened.

Mahir: Nothing happened, Maa. Don't worry. I am going to office. Tell Bela to drop Pari in school today.

Sumitra: Ok.

Mahir reaches his office and holds his head in tension. He recalls how happy Behir were previous night and how suddenly Bela decided to go to Varun and plan a date with him.

Mahir: I really can't believe that Bela is doing all this.

Mahir's phone starts ringing and sees its Bela. He decides to ignore it bat first but then picks it up.

Bela: Mahirji, what are you doing? You didn't drop Pari in school today. Its your duty, right?

Mahir: What? Really? I am busy today and told mom to inform you about it. Can't you do this for one day?

Bela: Actually I was going out with Varun... Anyways, I will manage. You should not have shouted on me for such a small matter!

Mahir ends the call and throws his phone in the couch in anger. He holds his head and takes a deep breath.

Mahir: I need to know what happened as such that overnight her so called love changed and she is behaving such weirdly.

Mahir comes home for luncha nd sees Bela and Varun both not present at home.

Mahir: Maa, where is Bela?

Sumitra (hesitatingly): She... She has gone out with Varun . I think for some work. She told me she will pick up Pari from school while returning.

Neha: Yeah... I too think she has some work... Or else she would have...

Mahir cuts their words in between and says " Don't worry about me. I am ok. Bela already took my permission to spend time with Varun, yesterday. She needs to decide what she wants from her life. Its ok. "

Sumitra and Neha sigh in relief while Mahir goes to his room and thinks, " I can't stress out everybody about this. I really think I should give space to Bela and let her take proper decision. But its killing me to think that even after spending yesterday night with me like that, she is thinking about Varun. "

Mahir changes into home clothes and eats lunch faking his smile. He then gets busy in his laptop with some company related work. After some time, his phone starts ringing and finds incoming call from Pari's school. He receives it immediately.

Mahir: Hello?

Principal: I am Principal speaking from your daughter Pari's school. She is waiting for you to pick her up from school.

Mahir: what? My wife had left a long time ago from home to receive her. She didn't reach yet?

Principal: No Sir. But your daughter is very tensed and is crying for you both. Please come and take her home soon.

Mahir: I will be reaching as soon as possible.

Without even caring that he is in home clothes, Mahir grabs his car keys and rushes to the school. He soon reaches there and runs inside the school to the principal's office and finds Pari crying. Seeing him, Pari runs to him and hugs him.

Mahir: Its ok my dear. Your papa has come. Don't worry.

Pari calms down a little bit and then Mahir picks her in his arms.

Principal: I always thought you and Mrs. Sehgal are responsible parents. I didn't ever think that something like this would happen.

Mahir: We are extremely sorry mam. Actually my wife had gone out for some work and told me she would pick up our daughter from school. I don't know what happened. I didn't even check on her till now about it. I promise you that such things will never happen again. And thank you so much for taking care of daughter.

Principal: Its ok.

Mahir takes Pari to the car, kisses on her cheeks and helps her calm down totally. He then takes out his phone and calls Bela multiple times but Bela doesn't pick up. So Mahir then calls Varun and even he doesn't receive the call. Mahir gives his phone to Pari and asks her to keep trying Bela's number till she receives. Soon they reach home and enter but neither Varun nor Bela receive the call.

Seeing Pari coming home with Mahir, Sumitra and Neha get confused.

Sumitra: Mahir... Why are you bringing Pari from school? Where is Bela?

Mahir asks Pari to go inside to which she complies and silently goes to her room.

To be continued...

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