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Varun: Bela was pregnant?

Neha: Don't act like you didn't know Bela could get pregnant.

Varun: I don't understand what are you talking about... I think....

Varun realises something and stops speaking. He looks at his parents and then at Bela's parents. He runs to his parents and hugs them together.

Varun: I am sorry. I really didn't know Bela would get pregnant. I mean ... We did have physical relation once but I really didn't realise that she would get pregnant because of that. I am really sorry. ( Pauses for a minute ) This means that little girl in Mahir's bedroom is my daughter?

He turns towards Mahir and then hugs him. He holds Mahir's shoulder and asks, " Am I right, bro? Is that girl, my daughter? "

Mahir nods in yes. Varun then turns towards the stairs to go to meet that girl but Mahir holds his hand and stops.

Mahir: This is not the right time, Varun.

Varun: What? What are you talking about? I didn't know I had a daughter and now when I know, you are stopping me from meeting her? Seriously?

Mahir: She doesn't know you are her father. Things were so complicated when we got to know Bela was pregnant. Everyone somehow convinced me and Bela to get married and we reluctantly agreed. So Pari, from her first day on this earth, knows I am her father. You can't just go and tell her that you are her father.

Varun: But someday, she has to know right?

Sumitra: Mahir is right. She is a small girl and will get panic on learning the truth. You should never take fast decisions in such matters. You can see her from a distance and try to bond with her slowly. But don't reveal things soon.

Varun: But Maa...

Andy: Varun, don't argue. You should follow your mother's words and do exactly as she says.

Varun: Fine. But I really want to see her.

Mahir: Come with me.

Mahir takes Varun to his room and shows him Pari. Varun becomes happy seeing her. Mahir then goes on to check on Bela while Varun goes back towards living room when he hears his parents talking. So he stops and tries to listen to them.

Neha: I don't know if we should be happy or sad. I am very sad for my daughter. Her fate is such. As soon as she starts finding happiness, something happens and everything becomes complicated. After all these years, just now she started accepting Mahir as her husband and Varun returned. What will happen now? Whom will she choose?

Vikram: I think she will definitely choose Varun because she used to love him and she didn't forget him yet. I am sure that now she will slowly talk to Pari about her true parentage and then get back with Varun.

Sumitra: But things don't seem so easy. I mean till yesterday she was with Mahir and suddenly she will choose Varun because he came back? What about the marriage vows they took?

Vikram: They didn't become proper husband and wife till now so how do those vows matter?

Neha: Please lets stop discussing all these and let Bela decide for herself. Its better if we don't talk about all this.

In Varun's room, Mahir goes near Bela and sits beside her on the bed. He holds her hand and a tear falls from his eyes.

Mahir: What we had between us today evening is the biggest gift of my life. But I am sure that I don't have love life written in my fate. You always loved Varun and today he came back for you. Your love for him is that strong.

Mahir slowly pecks on Bela's forehead making her move a little bit. Seeing Bela wake up, Mahir immediately gets up from the bed and stands a bit away. Bela slowly opens her eyes and finds Mahir standing. Her gaze then falls on Varun, standing outside the door. Bela looks around and realises she is in Varun's room and not Mahir's room.

Bela: Mahir, why am I in this room?

Mahir: Because you belong here.

Varun enters and says, " I am sorry Bela. I am really sorry you had to face all those things all alone. But I promise. I am back and from now onwards, we will be together to face every situation. "

Varun walks to Bela and sits beside her on bed making Bela feel little uncomfortable. She immediately sits on the bed. Varun takes her hand in his hand making her feel more uncomfortable so she reluctantly takes her hand back.

Varun: Its ok. I understand. But trust me. I will gain back all my rights on you and then we three will live happily together.

Bela: We three? Means? Who three?

Varun: Come on Bela. I am talking about you, me and our daughter Pari.

Bela looks at Varun shocked and then at Mahir. She slowly gets up from the bed and starts walking out of the room when she feels little dizzy and holds her head. But when Varun tries to support her, she refuses his help and walks away to Mahir's room alone. She finds Pari sleeping there peacefully so she sits beside Pari and holds her head unable to deal with the headache caused because of all the complications around her.

To be continued ...

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