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Mahir and Ruhi meet each other few times and decide to give a chance to their relationship. They agree for getting engaged to which their parents get very happy.

Finally the engagement day arrives. Mahir is sitting in his room silently and is looking at a box when Sumitra comes from behind and looks at the box.

Sumitra: Mahir, what is that box?

Mahir: Maa ... Actually I bought this gift for Ruhi to give today but I don't know if I should give her or not.

Sumitra : Of course you should give her. Don't think otherwise.

Mahir: Ok.

He then takes out another box and gives it to Sumitra.

Mahir: Mom, this one is for you.

Sumitra gets surprised and asks, " Why me?*

Mahir: Would I ever differentiate between you and my wife? Never. You deserve this.

Sumitra kisses on Mahir's forehead and then opens the box. There is a beautiful bangles pair in it.

Sumitra: Nice choice beta. I loved it. I will wear it today.

Mahir: That's my mom.

He then takes out another box and gives it to Sumitra saying, " This one is for Bela. "

Sumitra: Wow. What is there in it?

Mahir: I bought bangles for three of you. Now give this to Bela.

Sumitra: Why me? You should give it yourself.

Mahir: No mom. It might be awkward for me. You give it to her and tell her she can wear it today only if she likes it or else no problem.

Sumitra: Ok beta.

Sumitra happily goes away while Mahir stares at the box in his hand. He opens it to find it empty. He smiles and keeps it back.

Soon the guests start arriving. Mahir gets ready and comes down to see Bela and Varun happily gossiping with Varun's friends. He sighs and goes to his mom.

Sumitra: Mahir! You are looking so handsome.

Mahir smiles and asks, " Ruhi and her parents have reached?"

Varun: Oho bhai! Relax! Why are you sooo impatient to see your fiancee?

Mahir: No! Not at all. I was just asking casually.

Sumitra: Its ok even if you are impatient. She is your fiancee.

They see a car arriving and then Ruhi and her parents stepping out of it. Varun runs to them and tells, " Please wait outside. Mom is coming right now. "

Ruhi's parents nod in ok while Mahir gets confused. Sumitra comes back with a plate of aarti. She does aarti to Ruhi and welcomes them inside. Ruhi takes the blessings of Sumitra and Andy and then enters the home. She waves at Mahir who smiles back as response.

Sumitra: Now that both the couples have come... Go and sit for the engagement.

The couples sit on the stage in their chairs. The priest does some chanting and blesses the couples. Sumitra places red dupatta around the girls' shoulders and then makes them have sweets. She then feeds sweets to her sons as well. The couples then exchange rings while everyone clap for them. They take blessings from their parents and then go for couple shoot.

Mahir: Let Varun and Bela finish their couple shoot first.

Varun: Thanks bhai.

As Bela and Varun pose for pics, Mahir stares at Bela lovingly.

Ruhi: So its Bela, right?

Mahir: What? Yeah... Varun's fiancee's name is Bela.

Ruhi: I am not talking about Varun's fiancee... I am talking about the girl who lives in your heart.

Mahir widens his eyes in shock and looks at Ruhi. He composes himself and says, " What are you saying? There is nothing like that. "

Ruhi: At least don't lie to the girl who agreed to pretend to be your fiancee.

Mahir: Ruhi.... We can talk about this later... Not now please.

Ruhi: I got my answer in your tension.

Mahir: So... Did you speak with your boyfriend?

Ruhi: Karan? Yeah... I did. He will be reaching here next month and then we are leaving for US two days later.

Mahir: Great. I hope the marriage date doesn't fall before that.

Ruhi: I too hope for the same. But Mahir, I am really thankful to you. If you hadn't explained to me what I would have lost, I wouldn't have dared to take this step.

Mahir: And thank you for understanding my situation and agreeing to pretend that we are interested in marriage. I just didn't want to be an obstacle in my brother's life.

Ruhi: I understand everything completely now.

Mahir awkwardly smiles and then both go for photoshoot as Varun and Bela finished theirs.

To be continued...

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