The Death of Spider-Blade (SW Spider-man AU)

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TW: death, blood, revival, stabbing 

Alex swung in through the window, shakily landing on her feet. Her one hand reached for her mask, pulling it off her face, the other grabbed her side. "Fuck- I think I broke a rib" She let out a shaky breath as her roommate came into the livingroom with the firstaid kit.

"When don't you break a rib? I'm pretty sure you shattered your fucking ribcage by now" She rolled her as he set the kit down. She looked to her phone as a notification appeared.


"What?" Adelmar looked over to the vigilante, watching her pull her mask back on. "Where the hell are you going?"

"There's a bank robbery on 8th, i've gotta get down there" She held up her phone, showing the 'Spider-App'. "I'll be back, these usually don't take that long" Her roommate grabbed her hand, pulling her back.

"Is it an armed robbery?"

"No but-"

"Then they don't need you, you're hurt. Sit the fuck down and let someone else take care of it"

Alex pulled off her mask, anger in her eyes as she pulled her arm away. "My job is to protect the city, small crimes, big crimes, doesn't matter. I protect this city because no one else can."

"The fucking police can! If it's not armed then they can handle it!-"

"I don't need you to be a coward for me, Adelmar." They spoke with venom in their voice before climbing out the window once again. She slid the mask over her face before jumping off the fire escape.

Adelmar stood there for a moment, staring at the window. A sigh came from behind his mask before he rolled his eyes. "Whatever." He said to no one, moving to lay back on the couch. He stares at the ceiling, an arm behind his head as the frustration leaves him.

Suddenly he's waking up. He didn't even realize he fell asleep. A ringing screamed in his ear as he finally sat up. His phone rattled against the table, he didn't even look at the caller before picking it up. "Hello?"


"I was sleeping, asshole, what do you want?"

"GET TO YOUR FUCKING COMPUTER AND TELL ME WHERE TO GO BEFORE IM IMPALED!" Adelmar quickly stood up, rushing to his computer.

"Could've asked nicer-"

"DICKHEAD!" She screamed through the phone, not wanting to scream out his name. He rolled his eyes, moving his hand to the keyboard.

"Okay okay, i'm pulling up your location now" He typed into his programs, the news on one monitor covering the story, his programs on the other. "Alright, turn onto south street now-"

"Too late! I already passed south street, get me another exit!"

"I'm trying, your tracker is behind-"

"Forget it, I'll figure this out myself" He could hear through the phone her heavy breathing. How long had she been swinging and calling for him? How long has she needed help and he didn't answer.

"Just hold on kid-"

"I can't hold on! He's right behind me! It's some new guy-" Her breath suddenly hitched. "Oh fuck.." She whispered.

"Alex? Alex what's happening?" Suddenly she screamed, his head whipped to the monitor playing the news. "ALEX!" He screamed out her name as he watched the scene play out.

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