One of Those Nights (SW Spider-man AU)

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TW: Overstimulation 

Alex carefully climbed into the apartment through the fire escape window. She ripped off her mask as her feet landed on the floor. It was early for her to come home, but she needed it.

"Hey, you're back early," Adelmar spoke a loud. The ginger tried not to flinch from his loud words. They weren't that loud, but for her, it was too much. She could only give a nod, covering her eyes as she began to walk, more like stumble, to her room. "You okay?"

"'m fine-" She said quickly as she raced to her bedroom door, slamming it behind her as she entered. She turned the lights off, leaving her room dark besides from the city light. It was still too bright.

City streets screeched just outside of her windows, they yelled and echoed through her windows. They broke her ears as it was louder than it should've been. She loved the sounds of the city, but suddenly, she couldn't stand the noise. She threw her mask across the room, hearing it thud against the ground so loudly.

"Stop stop stop stop-" She repeated that word. She couldn't stop. She wanted everything else to. She wanted the world to stop. To be quiet. To be dark.

She just wanted it to stop.

Begged for it to stop.

She needed the world to be quiet. She needed it to be dark.

It was too much.

All of it was just too much for her to even begin to handle.

She fell to her knees, covering her ears, squeezing her eyes shut. "Please..stop.." She begged, tears rolling down her cheeks. She was so exhausted from the world. The world she had to protect. She wanted to rest, just for a minute. But she can't.

Alex Maslin was Spider-Blade, and Spider-Blade can't rest.

A door creaked open behind her. It was loud, so so loud. She flinched as it shut but she couldn't dare open her eyes or remove her hands from her ears. Suddenly, it was darker in the room, curtains were pulled as quietly as they could be to block the light.

She could hear heavy footsteps close them before walking to her. "Hey.." The voice was quiet, so quiet but it sounded so loud. "Things are loud, huh?"

She carefully nodded, staring to the ground. She didn't want to look up. She couldn't look up.

"Can you uncover your ears, just for a second?" The ginger slowly removed her shaky hand, hearing the street sounds get louder for just a second. Just like he said, just a second. Headphones, Adelmar's headphones, were placed on her ears. "Better?" She nodded, slowly looking up at him.

"Th-thank you, del.." Her voice was so quiet as she spoke. He could barely hear her.

"Of course kid, come on, let's get you in bed" She gave a small nod, pressing the emblem on her suit as it released her. She let it fall to the floor, planning to deal with it later, wearing a t-shirt and shorts underneath.

"'m sorry-"

"Nope, no apologizing, especially right now" He kept his voice hushed as he spoke to her, helping her to her bed. "Just tell me next time, kid" She sat down, giving a small nod before she laid down, resting her head against the pillow.

"Didn't wanna bother you"

"Don't worry about that, kid. If you need help, come to me." Adelmar grabs the blankets from the bottom of the bed, covering his roommate. "Rest kid, superheroes need a day to themselves too"

"You're such a softie.."

"..Yeah yeah, you tell me all the time"

"Cause it's the truth"

"Sleep kid, we'll talk in the morning" She nodded, closing her eyes slowly as ballet music played in her ear. "Good night, kid" He smiled at her under his mask before leaving her room.

She was a hero that never rested. A hero that pushed herself to the limits. A hero that just needed a break once in a while. 

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