☁️If Only You Saw It☁️

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The original idea that inspired the published version :)

Warning this story mentions



-stabby stabby

-unalived body

"Oh my god.." Nova dropped their bloody sword to the ground, seeing Dream's dead body, laying lifelessly on the ground. His eyes were closed and his mask was on the ground next to his head. The green teletuby was covered in blood, leaving his green hoodie to turn red. "I-i killed him... Oh my god I killed him.." Moon covered their mouth out of fear, looking away from the body. "I-I had to... Yeah.. I had to." They ran moons hand through their hair as moon took deep breaths. The enby looked down at their clothes, seeing dark stains on their black clothes, moon touched their cheek, feeling something drip down. "I..Im covered in his blood.." Moon immediately put their hand on the ground, wiping away the blood.

The memory replayed in their head, stabbing Dream as he tried to stab them. They needed to kill him or they would've been dead.. It was self defense.. Yeah. Self defense.

Nova shakily bent down, grabbing their sword off the ground. They turned, looking down at the body again, moon covered their mouth, feeling like moon was going to lose their lunch. "Just-just look away..." They said as moon turned their head, slowly moving their hand away. They took a deep breath, keeping moons eyes closed. "Okay.. Okay.. Long way.. Let's take the long way.." The enby started to walk, forgetting about the sword they had dropped on the ground. They walked through the trees, trying to think about anything else, anything else at all...

Luckily the castle wasn't too far, they went through a back way, not wanting everyone to see their blood stained face, the fear that they couldn't get out of their eyes, the newly found darkness that seemed to be covering moon.

"E-eret?" They said loudly as they walked through the door, moon waited for a response but got nothing. "Eret are-are you here?" They spoke out louder, hearing footsteps finally come from upstairs. 

"Hey No-" She looked over at them, his mouth practically dropping to the floor. "Nova! Oh my god, what happened to you?!" He ran over to them, putting her hands on their cheeks. "Are you hurt?"

"It-it's not my blo-blood.." They stuttered out, tears beginning to roll down their cheeks. The blood that began to dry on moons cheeks started to roll down with the tears. "I-I didn't want to..I-I had to.." 

"Hey, hey.. Shh.. I believe you.. How about you go get cleaned up then we can talk about what happened? I can wash your clothes while you shower" She pulled Nova into a hug, rubbing circles into their back soothingly. 

"Okay..okay.." The second 'okay' was a bit quieter as Eret let them go. "I-i'm sorry.."

"Don't be. Everything's going to be alright, I promise."

After Nova took their shower, Eret had grabbed clothes from moons home, black sweatpants, a purple shirt, and a gray hoodie. Moon gladly changed out of their bloody clothes, joining Eret in a bedroom. 

"Alright, talk to me.. What happened..?" She asked, sitting next to Nova on the bed.

"I-i fought Dream.. An-and I won..." Tears began to stream down their face. "He-he almost killed me.. so I did what I-i had to.. I didn't want to I-I had to.."

"It's okay.. I know.."

"He-he was going to hurt me.. I didn't want to kill him.."

"Is that why you were covered in blood? It was his?" The enby nodded, feeling Eret put her arm around them. "It's okay... You did what you had to.."

"It was..It was horrible... If only you saw it.."

word count: 617

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