Star Tours For a Mission

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This story goes off of my last time riding Star Tours :)


Word count: 2871

The loud crowds echoed through the small corridors of the Star Tours Launch Bay. People pushing past each other, elbowing each other as they walk through the halls. A small group of three walked through these halls, a hooded ginger leading them through the crowd. The team made their way through a small line before Alex handed tickets to a protocol droid. "Welcome to Star Tours, have a nice flight" It announced as it took the tickets.

"Alex, are you sure we're in the right place? This does not look like one of our usual jobs?" Virgil asked as they approached the ramp to get into the ship.

"Trust me, we're in the right place." The red head replied, moving into the small shuttle. She took a seat towards the back, keeping her head low as she sat down. Both Virgil and Ido Van sat down in the same row, keeping quiet as more people loaded up onto the ship. "Just keep your heads down and stay close to me." She whispered to the two before relaxing into her seat.

After a few minutes a familiar voice began to call out from the pilot seat. A screen came down to reveal a shiny gold protocol droid that Alex had seen many times "R2?! What are you doing?! We're not to take off! The captain is not on board!"

"3PO? R2?" She muttered under her breath, hearing familiar loud beeps from the front of the ship. The shuttle began to rise, chuckles emerged from random passengers as C3PO yelled at R2D2 as they departed.

"Alex, what the hell kind of job is this?" The mandalorian asked, the pilot gave a shrug, carefully pulling her hood back down.

"Hell if I know at this point." The ship began to glide to the open bay doors before they were quickly stopped. Running towards the ship was a squad of stormtroopers, all holding blasters that were now aimed at the ship. From the left, a small floating platform flew towards them with Darth Vader standing on top. "Fuck."

"Is-is that fucking Darth Vader?" Ivo asked aloud to the group. The shuttle came to a full stop as he reached out his hand. It began to sway around as the Sith Lord moved his hand.

"Stop." He demanded. "Prepare to be boarded."

"What? Why?" The golden droid asked.

"We know you're harboring a rebel spy. You will hand them over." The man held up a datapad, on it was a picture of Alex with her hood up. Only half of her face was covered by the hood, her eyes were the only part hidden.

"I've never seen that person in my life!"

"You will hand them over!" Darth Vader quickly pulled out a lightsaber hilt as the shuttle began to move backwards. The ship's blasters came down in front of the glass, firing at the troopers and the Sith Lord as they quickly backed out of the situation.

"Let's get out of here R2!" The astromech beeped back at him before the ship turned around, quickly speeding towards another hanger exit. "Lightspeed R2! Lightspeed!" Quickly the ship sped off into Lightspeed, leaving somewhat of silence in this shuttle.

"Alex..?" The redhead looked over to her team, seeing a confused glance from Virgil.

"What the hell is this job." Ivo demanded an answer but Alex didn't reply, she just looked at them before she looked forward.

"Just keep your heads down. If this doesn't end well you don't know me." The three all looked forward as the shuttle came out of Lightspeed. Quickly the shuttle descended towards a desert planet. Dust clouded the front window, slowly disappearing to show many smaller shuttles around them.

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