✨New Game, New Players✨

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Nova's eyes slowly opened, their vision being filled with white clouds and blue skies. They felt a calmness washing over them as they looked at their surroundings. They felt at peace with the world, all their fear and trauma was gone in a matter of seconds. All the death and blood that had been shed by their own hands felt as if it never existed.

"Grian? Mumbo?" Their voice echoed out in search of their father figures, seeing nothing around for miles. "Where am I?"

"A world far away from yours" A voice called out from every direction. Quickly the enby stood up, reaching for their sword that wasn't there. The feeling they hated most but was all too familiar to. "You won't be needing that right now."

"I can't be back here.. This isn't-It's not the castle? It's not the mansion? Where.. This isn't.."

"This land isn't the Inbetween, if that's what you're wondering. Don't worry, you'll figure out what this place is soon." A weight quickly fell onto their shoulders, causing them to fall to their knees. They felt weak, tired, scared. All the calmness they had felt moments before were gone in an instant. The reminders of the fear and trauma came back, the death and blood reappearing. "We'll see you very soon, Nova. The Watchers are always watching. Always watching."

With a deep breath, the enby opened their eyes, sitting up as quick as they could. The white puffy clouds, the bright clothes, the calmness was all gone. They were back in the campsite, watching the others continue to pack up their items besides Grian. The blonde, with a look of fear in his eyes, had also just woken up from a long night of rest. His eyes went right to the ginger, about to get up when Mumbo sat down next to him. The mustached man spoke kindly in concern before listening to the worried words of his friend.

"I'm back.." A pain shot through Nova's left arm, gripping their sleeve tight before pulling it up. On their arm appeared four hearts of different colors, red, yellow, green, and a bright purple? They stared in confusion at the markings as they felt the bed dip slightly. To their right sat Jimmy, looking down at his arm.

"So how many lives were you graced with?" He joked, showing his arm that had 3 hearts just like Nova's.

"Four" They showed their arm to him, watching a concerned look appear on his face. "What?"

"I thought the fourth heart was a brighter green?" He asked, examining the enbys arm a little closer. "Maybe i'm just remembering wrong.. Looks like the live randomization did some edits to both of us though'' They looked a bit closer at Jimmy, noticing his eyes being a green color.

"Did my eyes change color too?"

"Not exactly, maybe you should go check your reflection" They gave a quick nod before they stood up, running to the river as fast as they could. Memories ran through their mind of their time in the SMP. Nights where they'd run from Eret's castle from a panic attack and make their way to the river. Flashes of the DreamSMP filled their mind as they landed on their knees in front of the water. They leaned forwards, locking eyes with their reflection, seeing instead of their pale skin, their cheeks had turned blue.

"What the hell.." Their hand traveled to their cheeks, brushing against the bright color. "Why.. Why am I blue..?" The redhead stuck their hands into the water, splashing their face with the crystal clear liquid. They scrubbed and scrubbed hoping the color would disappear but it didn't even begin to fade. "What is going on?" The enby's eyes stared deep into the water, watching it move at a fast pace down stream but still showing a somewhat clear reflection. Their hand reached right below their eyes, noticing they both were blue. "And why are you both blue?"

Leaves began to softly crunch behind, heavy enough to be a man's footsteps. They were light steps, meaning whoever it was had to be a shorter individual. Slowly their hands moved to their sword handle, gripping it tightly. The footsteps got closer and closer until it seemed to be right behind them. With a quick spin on their heels, they turned to face the person, beginning to pull their diamond sword out of its sheath. Now in front of them stood a short blonde in a red sweater, Grian, the two both stopped in their tracks, staring at each other in fear.

"Sorry, I-i didn't know it was you" The ginger pushed the sword back into its sheath, taking a breath.

"It's okay, I didn't mean to scare you, I should have announced it was me" Grian replied, taking a seat next to them. They both stared out into the water, listening as it ran down the stream. "Can I see how many lives you have?"

"Yeah, sure.." They pulled up their jacket sleeve, showing off the four hearts on their arm. "How many do you have?"

"Technically two.." He pulled up his sleeve as well, showing the three hearts, one was red, one was yellow, and the last was just an outline of a purple heart. "The last one could be a life, if I 'play the game right'."

"What is going on? Why do we have these purple hearts?"

"The Watchers.. Don't tell any of the others about them okay? They won't understand"

"I don't understand. Who are these people? Why are they coming after us? What are they?" Questions continued to fumble out of Nova's mouth in fear and confusion. "Why can't we tell them?"

"I don't know how to answer any of your questions. Don't tell them though, they understand less of this than we do. Don't make them worry about something no one understands, okay? It's for everyone's safety."

"Even Mumbo?"

"Even Mumbo, Nova. Trust me, okay?" Grian put an arm around the young enby. "I know this is scary but we'll figure it out eventually. All I know is they came from Evo and have an obsession with us.."

"Okay, I trust you."

"Let's get moving, we don't have too much longer till we get to the south border"

What If?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora