Star Wars But Spider-Man AU

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TW: Blood and injuries :D

Featuring: Adelmar!! (Friend's oc)

A quiet thud hit the metal of the fire escape as Alex landed onto it. A sigh left her lips as she slowly opened her bedroom window. She slid one leg through the window, pulling off her black and green mask. She threw it into the room as she slid through the open window, watching as it flew towards a shelf. "No!" She called out, watching as it slammed into books and picture frames. A loud thud echoed in the room as Alex fell into her room, landing on her side into the carpet. She sighed again, placing her head against the carpet as her whole world spun.

"Alex?" A voice came from outside her door, quickly her head shot up, causing her nausea to be ten times worse. She could hear the door begin to squeak open, not having enough time to tell her roommate to stay out. She stared as the wooden door flew open, bouncing back against the scuffed up wall. No words could escape her throat, sitting on the floor in a black and green suit to represent a spider. Her roommate, Adelmar, stood in front of her, a somewhat shocked look from the half of his face she could see above his navy blue mask. "Woah.."

"H-hey...I honestly can't think of a good lie right now..." She gave an awkward chuckle, staring at her roommate.

"Y-you're...You are that spider thingy?"

"SpiderBlade, but uh yeah..."

"So you've been this SpiderBlade thing for over a year, and just didn't tell me?! Were you ever going to tell me? How did this even happen? Does that web stuff come out of you? Where-" Question after questions continued to leave Adelmar's mouth. Confusion and worry in every question.

"Adelmar, not to interrupt your hundred of questions but, I cannot focus on any of them right now" She placed her head in her hand, closing her eyes. "Pretty positive I have another concussion.."

"Another one?!"

"St-stop yelling please, and yes, another concussion...and a stab wound"

"ALEX!" The ginger squeezed her eyes shut at the yell. "Sorry, sorry" Adelmar sighed, "Alright, i'm going to patch you up, and then i'm going to kill you"

She gave a slight nod, reaching her hand towards him. "The world is spinning, help me up"

"Come on, kid" He bent down, lifting the injured superhero onto her bed. "I'll go get the first aid kit, but this conversation isn't over" Alex nodded, watching as he walked out. Her hand moved to her stomach, wincing as her hand grazed it.

"This is gonna suck" Blood covered her glove, soaking into the fabric. "And that's gonna suck to get out" With a sigh she fell back onto her bed, letting her legs dangle off the side, resting her feet on the floor.

Her non-bloody hand moved to the emblem on her chest, pressing the glowing spider. The suit folded up into a little square in her hand, being thrown across the room into a dirty laundry bin. Under her suit she wore a t-shirt and leggings, the shirt slowly being soaked in blood. "ADELMAR HURRY UP BEFORE I FULLY BLEED OUT, ASSHOLE"

"I'M LOOKING FOR THE FIRST AID KIT!" Adelmar yelled back from across the apartment, rummaging through their cabinets.



The injured hero sighed again, laying her head back against the bed. She could feel herself sink into the comfort of the cushions. She could feel her eyes begin to close as her body began to relax.

A hand clapped in front of her face, causing her to jump awake in pain. "Mother fucker!" She yelled out, gripping her stomach wound.

"Don't fall asleep, dumbass"

"You were taking too long" She sighed, hearing the first aid kit click open. She looked at what she thought would be a white and red case beside her head, seeing a black first aid kit instead. "That's not our first aid kit"

"I grabbed a new one"

"Where the hell did you- You know what, I don't have enough energy to focus on that" She closed her eyes again, "Be gentle or i'll punch you"

"Don't be stupid and we wouldn't have to do this" She listened to him speak, beginning to fall asleep once again when a stinging pain flew through her wound.

"MOTHER FUCKER!" She screamed, balling her hands into fists from the pain. "Were you not going to give me a goddamn warning?!"

"Had to make sure you didn't fall asleep somehow" She rolled her eyes, wanting to smack the grin he hid under his mask.

"Just so you know, it's not that I didn't want to tell you, I just didn't want to put you in danger. If people knew that you were roommates with me you'd get kidnapped or something and then be tortured until you talked" She tiredly spoke, staring at the ceiling above her, trying to ignore whatever Adelmar had been doing.

"Who says they would've been able to take me?"

"Adelmar what"

"I just wish you didn't leave me in the dark, kid."

"I was just-" A pain surged through her body as she tried to speak. "You asshole-"

"Do you want me to finish sewing you up? Or would you like to just bleed out?" Alex smacked him in the arm, shooting her roommate a dirty look. "Just shut up, I'm almost done."

"I was trying to protect you. This shit is already dangerous enough I was not going to get you hurt from it" The ginger sighed as she heard Adelmar go through the first aid kit again. "Are you done yet?"

"Yeah yeah yeah, I'm done, dumbass." He closed the first aid kit, beginning to stand.

"I wanted to tell you. I really did. I wanted to tell you or just forget I had these powers and go on living a normal life." She sat up, looking up at the masked man in front of her. "Being whatever this is, it's not just something I need to do. I have to do this, for the people and for me."

Adelmar had no words, he wasn't angry or upset. He just wanted to understand everything that was happening.

"The feeling of swinging through the city protecting people- No protecting the city itself, it's just.. Indescribable. I feel important. Like I'm not that street rat from the orphanage anymore." Tears welled in her eyes, struggling to not fall. "I'm not just protecting myself anymore or a couple of kids from bullies. I'm protecting a whole city that needs me. And maybe I need them too, because without a neighborhood, there's no friendly neighborhood heroes. And maybe this makes no sense because my head is spinning from this and I need to sit down" With an exaggerated breath, she sat down. "Concussions suck man"

"Kid," He crouched down onto her level, "I get it, there's a lot of things I can't tell you-"


"Not the point. Just.. Don't be stupid. Live to fight another day and all that crap"

"Hey, i'm Alex Maslin, everything I do is stupid and yet I live through every battle"


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