🦢Hanna Grayson (BirdFlash)⚡️

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Spoilers to Young Justice

OC Insert :)

"Sunshine!" Dick called out, hearing the nickname echo across the walls. "Time for breakfast!" He listened for the 9 year olds footsteps climb off her bed and run to her bedroom door. The boy wonder put the last few chocolate chips on, making a little face on the pancakes. "I don't know if you want your pancakes drenched with syrup so I left the syrup on the counter!" The young ginger quickly ran out of her room, sitting down at the island in front of her pancakes. She grabbed the syrup only putting a little bit of syrup on the side of her plate. "Alright, so I've got to go into work today so you're going to go hang out with uncle Tim and uncle Jason"

"Okay daddy" The redhead said as she began to cut into her pancakes. "Is Damian going to be there?"

"Mhm, he does live there so i'd expect him to be. You can just hang out with Tim if you want, I know you two get along really well"

"That's okay, I just wanted to make sure he would be there" Dick turned to face the island, resting his forearms on it.

"Since when do you and Damian get along?" The raven haired man chuckled. "You told me you Damian was too 'adultish' so you can't have a conversation with him" Hanna quickly stuffed a forkful of pancakes into her mouth. "I can be patient, kiddo." The two sat in silence until she finally swallowed her food.

"We just...found a common interest"

"You two are listening to the police scanner aren't you?"

"...No....maybe...." The young girl quickly stuffed more pancakes into her mouth.

"Uh huh. We'll eat up and then we can-" Dick began being interrupted by a loud knock on the door.

"Are we expecting anyone?" Hanna asked, standing from her chair.

"No. Stay here, it might be one of daddy's 'work friends'" He explained, opening one of the drawers to pull out a birdarang. The redhead picked up her pancakes, making her way towards her bedroom. She kept her door open just a crack so she could see what was happening.

Dick made his way to the front door, a birdarang in his hand. His right hand touched the doorknob as he carefully turned it. With a deep breath he pulled it up, locking eyes with a man he hadn't seen in so long.

"Hey Dick.."

"W-Wally?" The birdarang fell to the floor as tears appeared in both their eyes. "I-I thought you were dead? I-I thought.."

"Daddy?" The two both looked towards the couch, seeing little Hanna standing there. "Is this a bad work friend?"

"No sunshine" The boy wonder went to his daughter, bending down to kneel next to her. "This is Wally, you remember me telling you about him right?" The young redhead nodded as Wally entered his old apartments

"You-you had a kid? How long was I gone?"

"I adopted her a couple months after...I missed having a bundle of joy in the apartment. And this one is definitely that!" He began to tickle the young girl, she burst out laughing with a large smile on her face.

"Daddy!" She laughs, "St-stop!" She laughs out as he begins to stop, pulling the girl into a tight hug. Dick pressed a kiss into the young girl's temple. "Hey Hanna, how about we stay home today?"

"Yeah! Yeah!"

"Okay, go grab your breakfast and eat while me and Wally do some.. catching up.." Hanna quickly nodded as she was released from the bear hug. She ran off to her room before going back to the island with a plate of pancakes.

"So...you adopted a little girl.. Who looks like she could actually be our kid.."

"Not on purpose actually...I just spoke to her once before I adopted her and she reminded me of my two favorite people. You and Tim.. so I adopted her and we've been living a pretty good life..." Silence filled the room as Dick hugged himself. "I thought you were gone, Wally..."

"I technically was for a while, I think.. something brought me back" The taller boy took a step closer to the red head, putting a hand on his cheek. Wally reached up, placing his hand on top of his lovers. "I wasn't even going to come back here... I thought you must've moved on from me already.."

"I could never move on from you."

"You adopted a kid"

"I mean romantically. I could never move on romantically" The two both stared at each other in silence before the young man's eyes moved to the floor. "It's been hard, Wally... I couldn't keep going without you... Tim had to make sure I ate and actually got out of the house..."

"So why did you adopt a kid if you were struggling?"

"Because I needed something or someone to bring the liveliness back into our apartment... and that was Hanna. From the moment I saw her I knew she had a spark in her that could light up the room just like you did." Finally Dick's eyes met with Wally's again, tears about to fall from his eyes.

"Hey...it's okay.." The ginger reached his hands up to wipe away the boy's tears. "I'm here now.."

"Let me call the station, I'm gonna tell them I'm not going in today.. I have no clue how I'll explain that my boyfriend came back to life..." The boy wonder quickly walked into his bedroom with his phone, leaving just the two gingers. Hanna looked back at the older boy, shoving a bite of pancake in her mouth.

"Hi?" He said to the girl, going to sit next to her at the counter.

"Are you the man who left my daddy?"

"I-.. I didn't leave him on purpose- It-it's complicated..." The two stared at each other.

"Are you and my daddy getting back together?"

"Well we never really broke up-"

"Are you going to hurt him again?"

"Sunshine, are you interrogating Wally?" The two both looked back at the raven haired boy. The little girl nodded to her dad's question, earning a chuckle. "You don't have to do that, honey, he didn't mean any harm in what happened" Hanna looked back at the speedster giving him a quick glare before going back to her pancakes. Dick made his way over to Wally, he set a hand on his cheek while the other went to his side. "As long as he never does it again, he's forgiven"

"I promise i'll never die again"

"Good, if you do, Hanna will be very upset that you made her daddy upset"

"I would never want to make our daughter upset" The two both chuckled, staring longingly into each other's eyes. "Seriously though, I will never leave you again. Who else is going to spoil Hanna?"

"Tim, he loves her just as much as I do" Dick replied in full seriousness.

"Tim? As in your brother Tim? He likes kids? Since when?"

"You've missed a lot, scarlet speedster" The two both felt something grab their legs, looking down to see little Hanna hugging the two.

"And I'll never miss anything again."

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