DBH Story

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This is a Dad Hank au cause HankCon is just straight up nasty.

thank you :)

Meeting Cayla


Word count:606


Hank leaned back comfortably in his chair, enjoying the silence he has had all day long so far. His eyes began to descend close when he finally realized, it was way too fucking quiet. He quickly sat back up, his eyes scanning the room for one thing, Connor.

"Connor?" The olderman called out, earning no reply. "Connor!" Still no response from the android. "Fucking android." He said aloud as he stood, watching Sumo raise his head. "Where the hell is that tincan?" Hank made his way to the kitchen, picking up his cell phone and calling the boy. It rang once, than twice, than finally,

"Hello Lieutenant," Connor said over the phone.

"Where the hell are you, son?" He asked over the phone, waiting for a normal response like out on a walk or going shopping.

"I'm getting a child." Was all he replied with.

"You're-you're getting a WHAT?!"

"I need to go, Lieutenant, I will be home in twenty minutes" With that final remark the deviant android hung up, leaving Hank more confused than before.

"What the fuck." The gray haired man set his phone down with a sigh. Feeling like situations like these have been happening more often since Connor had turned deviant. He put his phone in his pocket before sitting back down in his chair. All he could do was wait until the boy came home and explained what he meant. There's no way he could actually be taking or adopting a child could he?

Exactly twenty minutes went by when the front door opened revealing a certain tincan holding a child in similar clothing to his. The girl had long dark brown hair that went to the middle of her back, a blue beret pinning her hair out of her face. She wore almost the exact same clothes as the older android, instead of RK800 on her jacket she had RK800Jr. Instead of dress pants she wore a black skirt that went just below her knees and small black sneakers.

"Hello Lieutenant"

"Hello Lieutenant" The two spoke in unison causing the little girl to laugh.

"You weren't joking.. You have a child. How the hel-Heck. How the heck did you get a child?" The little girl waved at the older man with a smile.

"Before CyberLife was shut down they began to work on a child version of me. They wanted to make RK800's more compact but only ended up making one before the uprising." The android explained, watching Hank wave back to the little girl.

"My name is Cayla! I'm the android brought by dad!" The young android announced, lifting her arms in the air causing the two older gentlemen to aw.

"Dad?" The human asked as he crossed his arms with a smile.

"Since Cyberlife got shut down while making her, they weren't able to fully program her.. So I programmed her in a way I helped make her" Connor looked down at the girl in his arms with a smile. "She is my daughter and-"

"And my granddaughter" Hank finished the sentence for him, the two both smiled at each other. "It's very nice to finally meet you Cayla"

"It's very nice to meet you too, Lieuten-" Cayla cut herself off as she began to think for a moment. "Grandpa. It's very nice to meet you too, grandpa" The older android moved to hand the little girl to the older man who happily took her. He smiled, thinking of how long it's been since he's held a little one.

"You're going to be a great dad, Connor."

"Thank you, Hank. I hope I'll be as great as you."

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