Just another entry

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Writing word after word until a sentence is filled, until a paragraph is filled, until a page is filled.

Writing was always just a passion for me. Writing about anything my mind could think about.

Heroes fighting villain after villain after villain. It was always the same old story just in a new world. Yet it was always different.

The characters, the villains, the hero's, though they're alike they're still different. They all have different lives and motives. Different things that made them smile, that made them angry, that made them cry. They all were so


I always admired characters like that, the ones who rise up after all the pain they go through. Fighting for what they believe in because it's the right thing to do. Going against everyone else because it doesn't matter who stood with them.

I write those kinds of characters.

I write about those kinds of people. Yet unlike most stories, mine never get a happy ending.

They live in these god forsaken worlds that never give them what they deserve. The happiness they felt that had been ripped away from them with such force it left scars. Never to return again.

These characters

These people. They get thrown through hell and yet they still stand. They still fight till they're dying days until they can't stand anymore, but still never give up.

I write about these characters for a reason. Maybe it's so I stop feeling bad about my life. Maybe I put them through hell so I can feel better. As if their lives could compare to mine.

Maybe every word I write, every line, every paragraph, every page. It's all just metaphor after metaphor, simile after simile to help me get through the pain I feel.

Maybe I don't have a choice. Maybe these are all just supposed to be lessons to me. I'm supposed to learn I don't have it as bad as others. I don't deserve to feel bad because I don't have it as bad.

Though the reasons for why these characters appear to me in my dreams will never be answered.

I'll never be able to save them.

I'll never be able to make them happy.

I'll never be able to keep them alive.

Because I'm just a writer.

I'm the story teller, the one who gives you entertainment day after day.

The one who gives you story after story. Story after story that you never think could have meaning behind it.

Maybe you think these people are real too, maybe not.

Believe what you want, but I've seen these characters too close up. I've seen their life flash before their eyes.

And I couldn't ever stop it.

I didn't create these characters, they created themselves.

I'm just a writer.

I just write word after word, sentence after sentence, paragraph after paragraph.

I'm just a writer.

I just do my passion for you. So you can hear the stories I'm forced to watch without any control.

I'm just a writer.

Yes you can comment about whatever you want, but that will change nothing.

Believe me, I'm just a writer.

I'm just the writer.

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