✨New Game, New Players✨

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The group ended up deciding to have an alliance between the 5 of them, calling themselves 'The Southlanders'. The idea came from Grian, saying the group should have their base in this large forest near the south border. Though it would be a bit of a walk from where they were, they all agreed on the idea. Mumbo picked the enby back up and the group started their walk.

"You know you don't have to carry them" The short blonde chuckled, looking at Mumbo carrying the sleeping ginger. 

"Well they're tired, thought i'd be nice. I know they get tired from reality traveling so" 

"You're such a softy, Mumbo" Martyn chuckled as he walked in front of the group. 

"They're younger than us and I think they should get some sleep, thats all. I'm also assuming they didn't get much sleep recently, look at their eyes." Grian took a few steps closer to Mumbo as they walked, pushing away the enbys bangs to get a clear look at their eyes. Dark bags sat tiredly under their eyes, showing the tall brit was most likely correct. 

"They do look really tired.. Maybe we should set up camp here, it is getting dark anyways." 

The group set up a small little campsite for themselves, a small fence surrounding them to keep mobs out, and a bunch of beds for them to be comfortable. Everyone's beds were somewhat spread apart besides Grian and Mumbo's. (Nova's wasn't too far away from them either) They all were going to take watch each hour and half, just in case something happened during the night. 

Grian was on first watch, he stood by the gate, holding a sword in his hand as he watched around the trees. His watch was almost over, maybe 15 or 20 minutes left until he could finally go sleep. His eyes slowly began to descend close, feeling the tiredness hit him like a train. He was just beginning to drift off when he heard a scared voice call out.

"your unfinished symphony..?" 

The dirty blonde looked over to Nova's bed, seeing a confused and uncertain look on their face. He stood up from his post, watching the enby begin to twist and turn. 

"What about Tommy and me?" 

Nova stared across the room, a button sat surrounded by signs with words of the L'manburg anthem on them. The room was created fully out of stone, a wooden chair sitting in the middle of the room.

"You've been by my side since the beginning, why try and stop me now, Nova?" The enby looked forward, a tall brunette in a trench coat was staring at the button in the room.

"Wilbur, please don't do this. This is L'manburg we're talking about." Wilbur turned around, looking back at them with a crazed look in his eyes. 

"Why shouldn't I? THIS is my unfinished symphony. An unfinished symphony to stay forever unfinished!"

"your unfinished symphony? This wasn't just your home, Wilbur. This is my home too!" They took a breath, trying to hide the tears in their eyes. "What about Tommy and me?" Will looked at them in confusion. "You're okay with ruining our lives by blowing up our home?  We worked for L'manburg too! Tommy and I fought in this was as kids, Will! Kids! We were nine and we helped fight for L'manburg with you!"

"You were there in the final control room.. weren't you?"

"what? Of course I was.." Their eyes went to Wilbur's hand , it hovered over the button with carelessness. 

"Then you remember what he said. What the traitor said."

"Don't you dare call my dad a traitor."

"You know what he said, don't you? What he said before they STORMED US." There was a pause in his anger. Nova looked up, an evil smirk across his face. "It was NEVER meant to be."

"WILBUR WAIT-" He slammed in hand on the button as hard as he could. They waited for the loud boom..

The laughter from Wilbur

The screams from their friends

The ringing in their ears

But these sounds never came... It was just silence, as if the world froze. 


"Nova?" The enby quickly looked up, seeing only darkness around them. 

"Will?! Wilbur are you there?!"


"Nova!" Nova quickly sat up, taking a deep breath as they looked to their surroundings. "Breath hon, breath" They felt a hand on their back, looking to their right to see Grian sitting next to them. "It's okay"

"He-he didn't care, Grian...It was my home and he didn't care.." They pulled their knees to their chest, turning away from the dirty blonde to hide their tears. 

"Who didn't care, Novs?(Noves? Novs? idk man we never figured out how to spell my nickname lol) What's going on?" 

"W-wilbur... He blew up L'manburg...I couldn't stop him..I-i helped fight for it and he just threw it all away.."

"Nova, you couldn't have stopped him.. From what you told me, he wasn't in a good place, he thought that was the right move for himself." 

"I begged him not to..He was like my older brother during the war and now he..he's dead because of me..." 

"You didn't cause any of that to happen, Nova. You did what you thought was right, and nobody would ever blame you for that." The ginger turned to look at Grian, tears running down their cheeks. Grian pushed the tears away, quickly pulling them into a hug. "it's okay, Novs, it's all going to be okay" 

"Thank you, Grian.." 

"Of course, kiddo, go back to sleep okay? We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow." They nodded as the two let go of each other. 

"You should go cuddle with your boyfriend y'know" They chuckled as they laid back down.

"Why are you so adamant on my love life and not your own?" The blonde laughed back, rolling his eyes. "But maybe I will, now get some sleep" The enby got into a comfortable position as Grian stood up, going to go wake up one of the other guys. He shook Martyn awake before going to lay next to Mumbo, wrapping an arm around his waist. 

"Gri?" The spoon said, tiredness leaking from his voice. 

"Sorry, just wanted to hold you" He chuckled, feeling the mustached man turn to face him.

"I'm assuming Nova told you to?" The blonde nodded, leaning into Mumbo's touch. "Are they okay?"

"Yeah..Just a nightmare about the smp. Do you think this is going to bring back bad memories for them?"

"I hope not... I just hope all of us get at least 3 or 4 lives, it would make it a lot easier, especially for Nova."

"I just hope this will all end well..."

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