☁️Growing Up in Different Places PT1☁️

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What if Nova never was friends with Tommy or Tubbo (aka what if C!Dream wasn't an asshole and was actually a good person)

Warning this story mentions...

-dreamnotfound? (idk some people don't like it so..)

Sorry I keep only doing Fallen Fates, I just keep getting ideas for it 

and theres gonna be a lot of parts for this one

Nova slowly opened their eyes, instead of a white ceiling or a laptop on their lap, they saw a wooden ceiling. Moon sat up slowly, rubbing their eyes to get a better look at the room. The red bricks, the crafting table floor, the chests, everything was so familiar to them, though obviously they haven't seen it before. Well they haven't seen it in real life...

"What the hell.." Moon went to stand, feeling their legs give out from under them. Moon began to fall forward, though someone was able to grab onto them quickly. 

"Woah, are you okay, kid?" The person asked, causing Nova to look up, seeing a man in a white smiley mask. 

"Dr-dream?" The dirty blonde helped them sit back down.

"You know me?" 

"Well not specifically you but yeah.. I-I do" The enby ran a hand through their short hair, letting their fingers glide through the curls. 

"Who are you?" Dream asked, leaning against the chests across from Nova. 

"I'm Nova.. I-uh.. I'm just a kid from the US.."

"The US? What's that?" 

"It's a country with a bunch of states in it? Sorry that's a bad explanation but it's nothing great so.." The ginger explained, feeling a bit awkward. "It's honestly sucks.."

"Well why do you stay there then?- Sorry I know thats kind of personal.." He asked, looking at the younger person with sympathy. 

"I don't really have anywhere else to go... Just gotta make up my little escapes like this.. In my dreams" The green man chuckled. "What?"

"Do you think this is a dream, kiddo?" Moon nodded, confused out of their mind. "Trust me it's not" He offered Nova a hand, helping them stand. "Welcome to the Dream SMP, how about we meet a few of my friends?"

"O-okay.." The two began to walk out of the community house. "How comes you didn't ask me how I knew you?"

"I just didn't see it as important I guess" 

"Oh okay, well where are your friends? are they near here?" Moon asked, continuing to ask questions.

"You really like asking questions" Dream chuckled.

"Sorry, I'm just super confused.. I guess thats why? So I can hopefully make some sense of something? It feels like I have no ground here.."

"Hm, well hopefully you'll get used to it." Nova pushed their hands into moon's pockets, looking around at the scenery. They've seen this place so many times through moons screen, it was..strange... "Hey-"

"Dream!" The two turned around, seeing a short brunette run up to the blonde, hugging him tightly.

"Hey Georgie" Dream hugged him back, moving his mask so he could kiss his forehead.

"Who's this?" The man named George asked, looking over at the enby who just gave a small wave. "Are-"

"This is Nova, they're not from around here. Where's Sap, Karl, and Q?" The taller dirty blonde asked, keeping the shorter man in a tight hug.

"There probably by Karl's library making him blush" The brunette replied with a chuckle. Nova stared at the two as they laughed, letting them feel a little left out and confused. 

"I think you should have a conversation with our friend Karl, he knows a bit about popping up in places you don't belong in.." Dream winked, keeping the mask off of his face. The rest of the walk was pretty silent for the smaller enby, they didn't know these people well so what was moon supposed to say? It luckily wasn't too far of a walk so moon didn't need to hear the twos flirting for long.

"Karl! Sapnap! Quackity!" George yelled as he walked into the library. "We have someone you guys need to meet!" The three walked in, seeing three people sitting on the floor talking. One with long black hair with a bandana wrapped around his head, a guy with shorter black hair with a beanie on, and one with brown hair. "Thats Sapnap, Quackity, and Karl. Guys this is Nova! They're our newest member!"

"Hi.." Moon gave a small wave, looking between the three.

"Welcome to the DreamSMP, kid", i think you'll fit in nicely here" 

I really didnt know how to end this part so the next part will probably be a lot better :)

word count: 771

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