He chuckled and gave me a kiss on the lips pulling me closer to him. He grabbed my ass and continued kissing me when one of the guys interrupted.

"Sorry to ruin this makeout session but when do you want us all back here?" Jordan said.


Jordan gave him a nod and walked to Alissia grabbing her ass.

I felt Alejandro's hand on my hand making me look at him. He had a smile on his face while he led us to the entrance of the mall. As soon as we entered the mall there were girls fangirling over him which made me feel jealous. He had a smile on his face while he signed their autographs.

How can these girls want an autograph from the most wanted gang leader in out town?

They had a huge smile on their faces as they took a photo with him. They thanked him and began walking out of the mall as Alejandro began making his way towards me. He grabbed me by my neck which caught me off guard as he started kissing me, swirling his tongue inside mine. I wanted to pull away but something in me was craving for more so I gave in.

He pulled away from the kiss leaving me with no words. He gave me a smile as I returned it back while he whispered in my ear.

"You'll always be the one darling. You don't need to get jealous, there were just fans that wanted my autograph, no need to get jealous." He said.

I gave him an annoyed look and went inside a store as he followed me from behind.

We were currently in Victoria Secret smelling at some perfumes while Alejandro carried all of my bags without being bothered.

"Smell this one."

"Ouuu, yes, that smells nice. It isn't too strong nor light, it's a perfect smell."

I put the seventh perfume in the bag when I noticed that I had gotten too much and was ready to pay.

"I'm ready to pay.

"Get whatever you want babe, I'm paying for it."

"No, I'm ready to check out. I got everything I wanted and plus it about to be ten."

"Not everything." Alejandro said with a smirk plastered on his face.

"What do you mean." I replied, raising an eyebrow.

He gave me a smirk before taking out a lingerie out of nowhere.

"You'll look very hot in this. You should get it." He said, handing me the lingerie.

I didn't want to wear a lingerie in front of him but since he was the boss of me I had to listen to whatever he said. I grabbed the lingerie and put it in the bag as I went to the cashier. I placed everything in front of the woman as she began to scan the items.

"Your total will be $45.19. Will that be with cash or card today?"

"Card." I said, handing her Alejandro's card. She swiped it and gave it back to me with the receipt.

"Here's your receipt. Have a wonderful day."

"Thank you, you too."

We headed back to the car where everyone was waiting for us. We all got inside and headed back home. Alejandro drove like a maniac on the highway that I had to hold onto the passenger seat.

I felt like I was going to fly out of the car as he passed the other cars. He was going more than 100 mph and it made me feel nauseous.

We arrived back home and I got out of the car to meet up with the girls who had their bags in their arms. I went to the car and took out the bags from the trunk and took them inside.

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