Chapter 70:

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'Before we begin, we have a special guest who is here to witness her sons death.' Dominico's announces. 'And the fall of her mafia.'

Vittoria walks onto stage wearing a black suit, looking as if she hates everyone's guts.

One of the waiters pushes a table with four guns infront of me. I gasp and Christianto holds my arm, I turn to look at him and he stares straight ahead.

'Four guns!' Dominico announces. 'Only one is loaded.'

Murmurs go through the crowd and some women gasp and hold onto their men.

'Who will be lucky enough to avoid a long torturous death?' He claps his hands together.

I squeeze Christianto's hand, my eyes stinging with tears I have to hold back.

'Dilara my dear.' Dominico smiles. 'Step up to the table.'

Christianto lets go of me and I walk up to the table. Whether one of them dies now or not it won't matter. The rest will be publicly tortured until they break.

'Their miserable fate lays in your hands.' He says.

I shakily pick up the third gun. Zoya is first to look at me, her expression stony. She doesn't give away a hint of the fear she's feeling.

I cock the gun and aim it at her. I close my eyes and pull the trigger. The gun clicks but nothing happens.
It's empty. I immediately drop the gun as if it were poisonous and sigh with relief.

'Not that one.' Dominico laughs.

I pick up the first gun my hands shaky. I look at Amira who has tears in her eyes and is muttering prayers.

Christianto glares at the waiter who looks like he's going to jump on the stage. Lorenzo needs to breathe because he's going to give away their cover.

I cock the gun and shakily raise it. Amira doesn't look me in the eyes as she continues crying and praying. I turn away and shoot.

The gun clicks and I drop it.
She's alive.

Two more guns.
Two more people.

The waiter relaxed immediately and I pick up the fourth gun.
Fouzia looks at me and smiles weakly.

'Im so sorry,' she mouths.
I know she means about the whole marriage and everything she got dragged into. I glare at Dominico, he didn't have to involve an innocent girl.

Fouzia or Adriano.
Adriano or Fouzia.

I take a deep breath, cock my gun and shoot. It clicks and my heart drops.

Fouzia's eyes widen and she looks around. She's still alive. That means....

'No!' Fouzia screams. 'Stop this!'

'Shut up before I rip out your tongue.' Dominico's booms.

I can't even look at the only gun left on the table. The second gun.

'I can't.' I whisper. 'I can't do it.'

Dominico glares at me and signals to Christianto.

'Dilara you have to.' Christianto murmurs.
I silently shake my head, tears rolling down my cheeks.

Christianto grabs the gun and placed it in my hands. He walks me infront of Adriano.

I shake my head and look into Adriano's stormy grey eyes. Seven months ago, I wouldn't have had a problem with this.

But now that I've been through so much with him, I can't.

'Adriano.' I whisper, walking closer to him.

He smiles at me sadly and I cup his face in my hands.

'I can't.' I breathe.

'You have to.' He replies. 'Trust me.' I turn away and start crying silently.

'Hey,' he whispers. 'Hey look at me Pazza.'
I look into his bruised eyes. The dried blood on-top of his eyebrow.

'Brick by Brick.' He says. 'Remember?'

'Brick by Brick.' I whisper, placing my forehead on his.

On Dominico's command, Christianto slowly pulls me away from Adriano.

'I love you.' I mouth.

'I will always love you.' Adriano replies.

'Shoot him!' A man screams from the crowd. They start yelling at me to hurry up because they want to see the live torture show.

I wipe the tears clouding my vision. I cock the gun and steady my shaking hands.

'Do it now or you lose everything.' Dominico's snarls in my ear.

I take a deep breath and shoot. The gunshot rings in my ears and Amira's scream is fuzzy. Adriano collapses and I fall to my knees.

Christianto comes next to me and cradles me in his chest. I look up and the see the security guard that was by the stairs has disappeared and a waiter stands in his place.

I narrow my eyes as Alora proudly wheels a chair into the middle and they unchain Zoya, pushing her in the seat.

'We will start with you.' Dominico says.
Christianto helps me stand up and takes me to the side.

More masked waiters come to the stage and I see new security are surrounding the area.

'What's going on?' I whisper.

'Everything's going to plan.' Christianto says. He shields me from the crowd and slips a gun under my dress and into my thigh holster.

Dominico straps down Zoya's arms and beckons me towards him.

'Lay a finger on her hair and I'll fucking tear you apart.' Terzo snarls, ripping off his mask.

The waiters on the stage all take of their masks and I see Lorenzo, Alessandro, Terzo, Xuan, Matteo and Eliza all around us holding guns.

'Well this show has been lovely.' Christianto slowly claps his hands and takes out two knives from his belt. 'But it's time we take over.'

Two chapters today and maybe one more coming tonight! I hope your enjoying the story and are mentally preparing for it to end.
Have a nice day!

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