Chapter 11:

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'We have some new rules,' I say as I walk into the meeting room.

I sit at the head of the table. Xuan, Alora, Jasmine and Matteo are on my left while the others are to my right.

'We heard from Mannuel that The Ravens are trying to locate us.' I explain.

'He also said they were onto him.' Jasmine adds.

'Meaning we might not see him for a while,' Xuan finishes, crossing his arms.

'Exactly,' I say. 'So, Mimi you will not leave the house without a gun or Alessandro.'

She looks up at me.

'And Rory won't be leaving the house at all.' I add.

'Dilara wouldn't go after her.' Mimi mutters. 'She wouldn't let them.'

'Yeah well I thought Dilara wouldn't do a lot of things but look at us now.' I reply. 'Does she even know how your child looks?'

'No,' Mimi replies.

'I'll not have my niece murdered.' I say.

'Where is she anyway?' Alora asks.

'She sleeping in our room.' Alessandro replies, putting a hand on Mimi reassuringly.

'The rest of you have training and can protect yourselves.' I say. 'Xuan, Jasmine and Fouzia be extra careful, especially with your history.'

Fouzia looks me in the eyes for the first time since I stepped into this room and gives me a small nod.

'I barely leave the house anyways.' Jasmine replies.

'None of you should make any unnecessary trips,' I explain.

'Do you even know what Dilara has planned?' Terzo asks.

'No,' I reply. 'But we do know that there's a higher power over her for now.'

'Christianto?' Amira asks.

'Higher than even him.' I say. 'All of you need to watch out.'

I move my leg and wince at the pain of the bullet hole wound.

'Have you seen Dilara recently?' Zoya asks.

Terzo and Lorenzo turn to us wearily.

'Not since that rogue mission last week.' I reply calmly.

I can't let anyone know about last night, but hiding the pain in my leg is hard.

Zoya narrows her eyes.

'Alright,' she says hesitantly.

I clear my throat and look around at everyone.

'Any updates with any of you?' I ask.

'The leader of The Demons is very upset that one of his members was murdered.' Amira says.

'What did you say?' I ask.

'I put the spot light on The Ravens, so now they're directed at them.' She replies.

'That's amazing.' I say. 'You're all dismissed.'

Everyone gets up and leaves.

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