Chapter 1:

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Two years later.....
'That was amazing!' Pablo exclaims, shooting bullets into the air.

'I know right, I wish we saw their faces,' I smirk.

'I think we did a pretty good job,' Cora says giving Pablo a high five.

We walk into headquarters and two bodyguards walk up to us.

'Dilara ma'am, the boss would like to speak to you.' A woman with cropped red hair and a British accent says. 'He would like to speak to all of you.'

'Oh shit,' Pablo mutters.

'Does he sound mad?' Cora asks.

'No ma'am.' The woman responds.

'Stay calm,' I mumble. 'We'll go right up, thank you Jess.'

'Your welcome.' She replies.

Cora, Pablo and I get into the elevator and go to Dominicos office.

I knock and Christianto answers the door for us.

He comes out of the room and closes the door behind him.

'Hey,' I say smiling up at him. He just glares at me.

'Come on bro, don't be so cranky all of the time.' Cora softly hits his arm. 'Lighten up.'

'I agree.' Pablo says, earning him a glare from Christianto.

'Is he mad?' I ask.

'The boss is pissed.' He says, rubbing his forehead. 'If you don't have a good excuse Di then I'll-'

'Don't worry Chris, we'll be fine.' I cut him off, rolling my eyes.

I tap his chest with the barrel of my gun and Christianto sighs.

'I'll do the talking.' I say.

I walk past him and walk into my grandfathers office.

He stands behind his desk angrily.

'What have you done.' He snarls.

'Nothing,' Pablo and Cora say in unison, making Dominico pick up his gun.

'Oh come on, we just had some fun.' I laugh. I wave my hand and accidentally send a bullet flying through the wall.

Dominico glares at me and a bodyguard takes the gun out of my hand before I can do anymore damage.

'Sorry,' I mutter.

My grandfather walks around his desk and leans his back against it and crosses his arms.

The light coming through a crack in the curtains show his tired brown eyes. You can see the years are starting to catch up with him.

'Dilara you need to have a god damn good reason behind this.' He snaps.

'You said you wanted that street gang gone so we decided to get rid of them, but we made it more fun.' I smile.

'You should be thanking us for taking them off your hands.' Pablo says smirking.

Cora laughs.

'You don't even know how we did it,' she says.

'We snuck into their house, and crept up on them while they were sleeping,' I explain. 'We grabbed our knives and slit their throats.'

I signal to our clothes with blood splatters on them.

'But that's obviously not enough.' Pablo adds, running a hand through his brown hair. 'We poured bleach all over their bodies and set the house on fire.'

'And by the way, the leaders girlfriend should be delivered to you any minute now.' I smirk.

Dominico sighs, and pinches the bridge of his nose.

'Cora, Pablo get out.' He snaps. 'Now.'

They nod and mutter good luck as they walk past me.

When they finally close the door Dominico decides to speak.

'Dilara you are the heir of this mafia.' He snaps. 'It is time you started acting like it.'

'I'm not the leader yet,' I reply. 'Let me have some fun while it lasts.'

'You need to get your head out of the clouds.' He booms. 'I haven't been training you for two years just to get rid of some petty street gang.'

'That petty street gang killed some of our youngest recruits.' I say, raising my voice. 'They deserve to burn in hell.'

'You need to be more focused on taking down the Vipers.' He snaps.

I swallow the lump in my throat.

'I'm working on it.' I reply quietly.

'Clearly not, remember the last time you were faced with Adriano?' He narrows his eyes and I look down. 'You let him escape.'

A year ago was the first time Adriano had seen me since I left. I had to infiltrate a small mission of his and it ended up with both of us in a small alley way fighting for our lives.

I had my gun placed in front of him, ready to aim and kill him, but he flashed me that stupid grin of his and I melted.

He escaped.

'Believe me that won't happen again.' I mutter.

'It better not.' He replies. 'Now go get changed and come to the meeting room in two hours.'

I leave Dominico's room and storm past a confused Christianto.

'Hey Di,' he says running up to me. 'How'd It go?'

'He was pissed.' I reply.

We make our way to my bedroom which is two floors above Dominico's office.

'What did he say?' Christianto asks.

'You're the heir of the mafia act like it, get your head out of the clouds, focus on taking down The Vipers.' I mimic my grandfathers deep grouchy voice.

'Did he mention-' he starts.

'Of course he did,' I reply cutting him off.

We make our way into my bedroom and I slump into my bed.

'That's the only time I've ever fucked up and the only thing he ever brings up.' I mutter.

'He just wants you to do your best Di,' he says sitting next to me.

I lay my head on Christianto's lap and he strokes my hair.

'He's not proud of me,' I sigh.

'Di, he never stops talking about you and how amazing you'll be when you're the leader.' Chris laughs.

We sit in silence before he leans down and places a kiss on my forehead.

'I'll let you clean up, and I'll see you in the meeting.' He says.

We get up and Chris leaves my room while I make my way to the bathroom.

I turn on the warm water and strip the bloodied clothes off my body.

I take off my pendant that my mother gave me two years ago, when I was still living with Adriano.

A wave of memories hit me and I'm thrown back to Mimi's engagement dinner.

'We're celebrating the engagement of Adriano Giovanni and Fouzia Ouihya.' Vittoria's voice takes over my brain.

I shake my head and get into the bathtub.

I tried to be nice , make Adriano my friend and more, but now...

Now I want him dead.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter!
Have a nice day!

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