Chapter 65:

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Before I can ask why, Pablo bursts into the room and glares when he sees me.

'You little,' I start, walking towards him.
Christianto grabs my arm and holds me back.

'What the fuck is she doing here?' Pablo asks.

'Chris, let go of me.' I snarl.

Pablo looks at me with no remorse, as if he wasn't there when Jasmine died.

'Dilara calm down.' He mumbles.

'Dilara has give us Adriano's dead body as a gift to pay tribute for her inheritance ceremony.' Dominico explains, calmly.

'Thats still happening?' He asks.

'Yeah,' I snap. 'And the first thing I will do is murder you!'

I push Christianto off me and lunge at Pablo. He dodged me and grabs my arm, earning him to be slammed in the nose with my elbow.

'You killed her.' I scream. 'You killed Jasmine.'

'She was a bitch.' Pablo spits.

Christianto pulls me off him and Dominico watches us with amusement in his eyes. He loves toying with me.

'You killed Cora.' Vittoria says calmly.

'We both know she deserved it.' I snap and Christianto flinches.

'You're a psycho.' Pablo spits.

I glare at Pablo and he leaves to go to the medical wing. Vittoria eyes me careful and I don't move under her gaze.

'Christianto take her to her room.' Dominico commands.

'You need to control your anger.' Christianto says to me as we walk down to the gym.

'It's not my fault everyone here pisses me off.' I snap.
Christianto holds the punching bag and I beat my fists into it. My mind can't help but wonder to Adriano and how he's doing.

Chris come around and leans down to whisper in my ear.

'Don't worry, he's fine.' He says. 'I'm doing check ups on him.'

I turn to him and shoot him a stiff smile. He takes his fingers and moves a piece of hair out of my face.

'What are you doing?' I breathe.

'They're watching.' He smiles stiffly.

I look over his shoulder and see Vittoria eyeing us suspiciously from the stool at the bar.

'I was in love with you remember?' He raises an eyebrow. 'Play along.'

I start laughing and put a hand to his chest, softly pushing him off me.

Christianto follows me like a puppy as I go over to the bar and order a shot of tequila. A blonde girl walks up to us and smiles sheepishly.

'Ma'am, Dominico says someone is waiting for you in your room and you should go there immediately.' She stutters.

I look at Chris and thank the girl as we make our way to my bedroom. In the middle sits a Middle Ages woman with a tight top not and glasses perched on the top of nose.

'I'm here to get the measurements for your inheritance dress.' She says.

The woman doesn't give me time to reply before she pulls out my arms and starts measuring me. I give Christianto a quizzical look and he starts laughing.

'I hate you,' I mouth. The woman snaps her notebook shut and pulls out some black fabrics.

'Pick.' She snaps.

She hands me a satin piece, a cotton piece and one with sequins. I choose the simplest satin one because I know the breathable material is going to come in useful.

'We're done.' She snaps.

The woman collects her things and leaves. I look at Christianto confused and he starts laughing.

'That was lovely.' I mutter.

The rest of the evening is mostly Dominico talking me through how I need to act during the ceremony. He tells me to act confidently because this mafia is going to be all mine.

Just the way I want it.

I'm zoned out because I keep wondering how Adriano is. If he gets figured out then we're all screwed. Everyone will die and I doubt they'll spare Rory's life.

'When I'm the leader I'm getting rid of Pablo.' I snap. Dominico opens his mouth but sees there's no point in arguing.

'If you let emotions get in the way of all your decisions then you will be a terrible leader.' He breathes out a ring of smoke.

I narrow my eyes at Dominico.

'We both know I'm going to be the strongest leader there is.' I snap.

And I'll start by killing you. Killing all of you.

'We'll see.' He smirks. 'We will definitely see.'

Vittoria bursts into the room and I roll my eyes.

'Out.' She snaps. 'I need Dominico.'

'Of course.' I stand up. 'I'll let you talk him into covering for you, so you can set more hospitals on fire and kidnap people's babies.' I smile.

'Why you little..' she starts.

'Say it.' I snarl, taking out my gun.

'Calm down, both of you.' Dominico snarls. 'Dilara leave.'

'Bitch.' Vittoria spits.

'Witch.' I snap.

I walk out of the room and bump into christianto who shakes his head.

'She knows exactly how to get under your skin.' He sighs. 'And she loves it.'

'I'm going to rip her apart.' I snarl. 'Just you wait and see.'

Sorry if this chapter is shorter than usual I've been going through something for the last couple of days so I've been so distracted 😭.
I hope you're all enjoying the story.
Have a nice day!

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