Chapter 50:

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Dilara's fingers rake through my hair as I lean on her chest, my arms wrapped around her waist that's now covered in hickeys.

'I'm never letting you go again.' I say to her smiling softly.

She looks down at me.

'If you do anything to fuck me over, I will kill you.' She says. 'And this time I mean it.'

I can see in her eyes that she's completely serious.

Dominico and Vittoria got into my head once, and made me loose the woman I've always dreamt of, the woman I want to carry my children, the woman that I've learnt how to love. I'll be damned if I ever let it happen again.

Dilara kisses the tip of my nose and trails kisses down to my lips before giving me a long warm one.
Her soft lips that drive me crazy press against mine and I grab the back of her neck.

We hear the sound of keys at the front door.

'That's probably Mimi,' she whispers against me. 'We need to get dressed.'

'Do we really?' I ask.

'Yeah, get up pendejo.' She smiles.

I get off Dilara and we pull on our clothes again before she gets up and leaves the room. At the sound of Mimi's voice I quickly follow behind her.

'So how'd it go?' Mimi smiles at Dilara.

I walk into the kitchen and Mimi's eyes go straight to me and the biggest smile creeps it's way onto her face.

Rory plays with her stuffed bunny animal as her mum puts away the groceries.

'You guys had fun.' She smirks.

'Nope, it was pretty boring.' I reply, my biceps righting against my black shirt as I cross my arms.

'Bullshit, Dilara has orgasm face.' Mimi laughs.

'What the fuck is orgasm face?' Dilara says.

'You know, that dewy glow that's a bit sweaty on your face.' She smiles. 'Comes straight after an orgasm.'

'You should know,' I mutter.

'Of course I do,' she signals to her daughter. 'Now go take a shower.'

After my shower, Mimi hands me some clean clothes to change into and keeps making little comments.

'It was good wasn't it,' She giggles as I get dressed.

'Mimi!' I say through gritted teeth.

'Fine, Ill back up but i know I'm right,' she smirks, crossing her arms.

I let my wet hair trail down my back and go downstairs to see Alessandro, Zoya, Terzo and Matteo with serious faces on in the living room.

'What's going on here?' Adriano says, following behind me.

I look at Adriano but he looks straight past me.

'Vittoria was heavily asking questions about Jasmine's death so we had to make up that she died during a small mission.' Terzo explains.

Zoya bites her lip and Alessandro runs a hand through his hair.

'Ok what's next?' Mimi asks.

'She's on her way here now.' Matteo says.

As if Vittoria heard us, there's a knock on the door. Everyone turns to me and I make my way into the closet.

A broom pokes into my back as I press myself against the wall, trying to get as far away from the door as I can.

There's a crack in the door that I can almost see through.

Mimi opens the front door for Vittoria.

'What brings you here?' She asks.

'I'm here for my sons.' Vittoria pushes past Mimi, her eyes going everywhere but towards her 'sons'.

'Sit down Mother.' Alessandro says, his voice laced with venom.

'Why so cold Alessandro?' Vittoria asks.

I see someone shift through the crack, but I can't make out who it is. Alessandro stays silent.

'Mimi, I'm in need of a glass of water.' Vittoria says.

'Of course.' Mimi replies. 'Come here Rory.'

'She won't even let me go near my granddaughter.' Vittoria laughs.

'Mimi likes keeping Rory away from bad people.' Zoya says, carelessly.

'Watch your tongue.' She warns. 'Im here to give my deepest condolences to you Matteo.'

Everyone stays silent.

'Jasmine was so very young.'

'Don't talk about her.' Matteo snarls.

'She was foolish, but had everyone's best interests at heart.' She continues.

'Take her name out of your mouth you bitch.' He spits.

Mimi places the cup of water into the coffee table.

'Take Rory upstairs,' Alessandro mutters.

'How dare you speak to your mother like that!' Vittoria yells.

'You are no mother of mine,' He replies.

'It's my blood that runs through your veins.' She replies.

'Is it really?' He lowers his voice. 'Because we are nothing alike.'

Adriano clears his throat.

'Calm down the both of you.' He says. 'It's clear that Jasmine is a sensitive topic.'

'We've already started planning her funeral.' Terzo adds.

'Something's changed around here.' Vittoria says. 'Something new.'

I see something shift and hear her get up. Vittoria starts walking around slowly.

I press a shaking hand over my mouth to silence my heavy breathing.

If she finds me I'm done. We're all done.

'Matteo, calm down.' Alessandro mutters.

'Once she keeps Jasmine out of her mouth I'll be calm.' Matteo snarls.

'I didn't know you and the girl were so close.' Vittoria says tonelessly. 'She never mentioned you.'

'Because it was none of your business.' He snarls.

It's silent for a moment and I take a small shaker breath.

'It's clear something has happened here.' Vittoria says.

'I'm not sure what you mean.' Alessandro replies.

'It's clear, Dilara has had an effect on all of your minds.' Vittoria says, making my heart drop to my stomach. 'You no longer know where your loyalties are.'

She cocks her gun and shoots straight towards the closet I'm in.

Sorry for not updating for ages guy, I've been so very busy with exams and what makes it worse is that I have more coming up.

I hope you've all enjoyed the book so far!
Have a nice day!

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