Chapter 22:

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'How much of that did you hear?' Vittoria asks.

'All of It you little bitch.' I spit.

'Sit down,' Dominico commands.

Christianto pushes me into a seat.

'How could you trick Adriano like that!' I yell at her.

'It's more complicated than a stupid girl like you could ever understand.' She replies.

'Vittoria was once like you.' Dominco starts. 'She too was once in love with a boy in her mafia, just as you did with Adriano, and she came from The Vipers just as you did.'

I look at Christianto who has his arms crossed across his chest and isn't looking at me.

'The man she loved was Adriano's real father and head of the mafia but he didn't want her. He wanted a girl from my mafia.' He continues. 'Of course a relationship like that is highly forbidden, but he didn't care.'

'Vittoria and I are nothing alike.' I snarl.

'See that's where you're wrong.' He says. 'Jealousy overtook Vittoria but it only got worse when she found out that the woman was pregnant and her love was the father.'

I clench my jaw and dig my nails into my palms.

'She got desperate and came to me,' he smiles. 'I told her to wait two years and she did just that, but at the time she already had a kid of her own.'


Vittoria was just a love sick girl.

'Two years later a baby boy is born and it's nearing his second birthday, the heir of The Vipers,' Vittoria moves uncomfortably. 'Adriano's dad realised that he was being hunted and wanted Vittoria to take care of his child just incase, little did he know she was the one hunting him.'

'She killed him?' I ask.

'She killed both parents and came to me to help cover it up.' Dominico smirks. 'Guilt consumed her and she raised the baby alone.'

Vittoria was manipulated and taken advantage of.

'You monster!' I scream.

'Now you have a choice,' Dominico says. 'Give me the diamond from the mission and I'll pretend nothing happened today.'

'Go fuck yourself.' I spit.

I grab the gun on his desk and shoot him in the shoulder.

'Fuck!' He yells.

I shoot Christianto's knee and run out of the room.

'Send people after her!' Dominico booms.

I run down the corridors and alarms start ringing, I'm now being hunted. I continue running and leave the base.

'Stop her!' Someone yells as I get chased down the street.

Gunshots echo behind me and I continue running. I go down an alleyway and trip.

Making sure I'm ok, I get up and continue running. A feel a painful heat in my lower back and place my hand on my shirt.

I've been shot.

Another bullet hits my arm and I stumble forwards.

I start running into a hotel and run up the stairs to the rooftop.

'Shit,' I mutter.

My blood is dripping down my back.

The only way I can escape is if I keep jumping from one roof top to another.

I take off my jacket and throw it away.

I manage to land the first jump hard on my knees. I'm not so lucky during the second one and get shot in the abdomen.

The pain goes everywhere and I scream. The soldiers start running, shooting in the air blindly hoping to hit me while I jump off more roofs.

I fall face flat on one of the rooftops and the small rocks dig into my hands.

'Come on Dilara,' I mutter and I force myself to crawl under a shelter and lay down.

I grab my phone and break it on the concrete, I can't have them tracking me.

They should get tired and think they've killed me soon, and when they do I can go look for some help.

To my luck it started raining and I got soaked. I can no longer hear the soldiers so I walk down the building.

It's a drug store and people start screaming when they see me.

Once I get outside I continue running and the rain comes down heavy, leaving me completely soaked.

Lightning strikes and I get goosebumps.

I'm bleeding out way to much and I need help immediately.

I reach a street with houses everywhere and start rapidly knocking on the doors.

No body answers and I move to the next house but I get the same reply. This continues for a couple more houses.

'Please, God,' I mutter. 'Please don't let me die, please let someone help me.'

My hands are covered in blood and my vision starts to blur.

My head feels heavier and it's getting harder to walk and keep my eyes open.

There's one house further away from the others and I drag myself to it, muttering prayers the entire way there.

The thunder is loud and my hair sticks to my neck.

I bang on the door and no one answers.

'Please,' I cry. 'Please God.'

I bag on the door again and hear shuffling inside.

The door opens and I shake my head for my eyes sight to get better.

A tall muscular man with black hair stands before me.

'Adriano?' I ask.

'Dilara?' He replies.

'For God's sake anyone but you!' I snap.

'Are you ok?' He asks. 'Who did this to you?'

'If I can still breathe, I'm fucking fine.' I wheeze.

I need to lay down quickly or I'm going to pass out.

'Are you sure, because you look like you're going to faint?' He asks a hint of concern in his voice.

' might want to catch me.' I mutter before everything goes black.

I hope you guys enjoyed this because it was intense.
Have a nice day!

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