Chapter 48:

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I'm on the verge of killing Mimi. She's been teasing me for the whole day and trying to convince me to do something so stupid.

'I'm just saying Dilara!' She throws her hands up in the air. 'If It were Alessandro and I in your position, we'd be getting it down.'

'Oh my god,' I sigh. 'Mimi I'm not interested in your sex life!'

'I'm your best friend,' she throws a pillow at me and I catch it. 'And don't think I haven't seen the hickeys.'

'There's nothing going on,' I sigh, exasperatedly, looking at Alessandro. 'Back me up please.'

He hesitates before Mimi cuts in.

'You argue with me and I'm not letting you touch me for a month.' She snaps.

'Sorry Dilara,' he shrugs. 'Happy wife, happy life.'

Mimi smirks and crosses her arms, happy with his answer.

'We can all feel the tension when you two walk in.' She smirks, playing with her blonde hair.

'Yeah, because we hate each other.'  I roll my eyes. 'Nothing else.'

'Dilara,' She sits closer to me on the couch. 'Sexual tension.'

'Mimi, I'm not having this conversation with you.' I laugh. 'I don't want to do anything to him.'

'You're a liar,' she says, crossing her arms. 'Both of your eyes say so much more.'

'They do not.' I snap.

'Don't act like I didn't walk in on you two nearly devouring each other.' I throw the pillow back at Mimi and it hits her face.

'Let's see about that,' she smirks.

Before I know what Mimi is doing, she raises her voice and screams Adriano's name from the top of her lungs.


I grab a pillow from behind me and press it down on her face, muffling her.

'Shut up!' I hiss.

Minutes later, Adriano runs down the stairs, shirtless and in grey sweatpants, his hair still wet. His sweatpants hang low on his hips, I have to force myself to look away.

He stares at me sitting on top of Mimi and pressing the pillow down on her face.

'What happened?' He asks. 'What's wrong?'

Mimi pushes me off her and sits up, giving him a sweet smile.

I glare at her, giving her a warning not to say any of the stupid shit she was talking about before.

'Tomorrow you and Dilara have the house to yourselves.' She smiles.

'Oh my god,' I groan.

'Okay....' Adriano replies.

Rory runs in, giggling and holding a bunny with a tutu on it.

'Bun bun!' She giggles, grabbing onto Adriano's leg.

He looks down at her and smiles softly. She hugs on his leg and reaches her hands up to him.

'Up!' She exclaims.

Adriano bends down and picks her up, holding her gently. She wraps her arms around his neck and he ruffles her blonde curls.

'Asshole, go put a shirt on.' Alessandro snaps.

'Right when your daughter lets go of me.' He smirks, liking the attention from Rory.

'Little shit.' Alessandro mutters.

'Shit!' Rory exclaims, leaving Adriano shocked.

'Oh for gods sake!' Mimi sighs.

'No bad word,' Adriano says, stifling his laugh. 'Naughty word.'

I smile to myself when Rory stuff her bunny in his face.

'So you called me down to tell me that the house is going to be empty tomorrow?' Adriano asks.

'Yeah,' Mimi winks at me.

'And Dilara do you have anything to say?' He turns to me.

'You're really good with kids,' I blurt.

What. The. Hell.
Where the fuck did that come from?

Adriano raises an eyebrow and a small smirk makes it's way onto his face.

He puts Rory down and pats her head and makes his way upstairs.


'I'm going to kill you!' I say, jumping on her.

I tickle her waist and she starts laughing.

'Alessandro help me!' She gasps.

He hauls me off her and throws me onto the second couch. I fall flat on my back and Rory crawls up and sits on my stomach.

'Wow the whole family's ganging up on me.' I roll my eyes.

'Uno!' Terzo yells throwing down his last uno card. 'I win bitches!'

'You cheated.' Lorenzo snaps, as Rory grabs his arm and he smiles at her.

'Don't be a sore loser.' He smiles.

Amira puts down two more pizza boxes and puts Rory on her lap.

'Amira,' Rory says. 'Are you a Lorenzo like mommy and daddy?'

Alora and Xuan choke on their food, and Mimi bursts out laughing. Lorenzo's eyes widen and Adriano smirks at him.

'No we're not,' Amira laughs.

'You should be like mommy and daddy.' She smiles up at her and puts her hands on Amira's face.

Zoya takes a shot of tequila and I join her. Matteo's been laughing here and there but has mostly just kept to himself on the couch.

I feel so bad for him and I know exactly how he feels. I was in his position once but this time, she's not coming back.

'Matteo do you want to join this round?' I ask.

He looks over at us and hesitates.

'Yeah please come on!' Alora exclaims.

'It's boring without you.' Zoya raises a glass and he takes it while sitting next to Mimi.

'The best player is back.' Matteo says, taking the shot.

'Don't get to cocky.' Terzo says. 'I won the last round.'

'Only because I wasn't playing.' He replies.

Adriano chuckles, his deep voice giving me goosebumps as he looks at me from across the table.

I quickly look away as Xuan deals us the next round of cards. It's good to have moments like this, de stressing and trying to forget about things.

I look up and see Adriano's still staring at me, he looks me up and down before looking at the cards in front of him.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, and I may not be uploading as much since I have exams coming up.
Have a nice day!

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