Chapter 28:

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'This is why you have to listen to me more often.' Adriano coughs.

He fiddles with the cuffs of his white shirt. Four of the buttons are undone showing a little bit of his tattoos.

'Shut up,' I sniffle. 'If I listened to you we'd both be dead.'

After yesterday's mental breakdown in the rain, that wasn't as romantic as it may seem. Adriano and I are both sick and being taken care of by Mimi and Zoya.

I have a fever and my head hurts. My nose won't stop running and I feel like I'm going to die.

Ok, maybe die is a little extreme.

'siete entrambi idioti.' Zoya mutters, handing me an extra blanket and putting down a box of tissues.

Translation: you're both idiots.

'Vittoria's going to get suspicious if I miss work today.' Adriano says, putting on his jacket.

'No one is keeping you here.' I mutter, blowing my nose.

'I think I liked it better when she was unconscious.' He snaps.

'I think I liked it better when you were supposed to be dead.' I mimick.

'You're a pain in my ass.' He snaps.

'Your breath stinks.' I reply, turning to rest on my side.

'I'm going to throw you in the pool.' Adriano glares at me.

'I'll set your room on fire.'

'I'm going to strangle you.' He snaps.

'Pipe down Tinkerbell,' I smile.

'You're both giving me a headache.' Zoya mutters.

Alessandro walks in and kisses both Mimi and Rory on the forehead. He picks up his keys.

'Let's go Adriano,' he says.

Adriano glares at me and walks out with him and they go back to their base.

I pull my blanket tighter around me and get comfortable on the couch.

I take the Tylenol and water Mimi left out for me.

'Thank you,' I say smiling at her.

She smiles softly at me.

'Zoya, you're in charge.' Mimi says. My smile drops.

'Where are you going?' I ask.

'Rory and I are having a mother daughter day out, isn't that right?' She says.

'Yes mummy!' Rory giggles.

Rory looks adorable in her creme puffer jacket and white gloves. She has these little boots on and the biggest smile on her face.

I immediately get up from the couch and pull Mimi into the kitchen.

'You can't leave me with Zoya!' I whisper, angrily.

'Why not?' Mimi asks.

'Because she hates my guts.' I reply, coughing.

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