Chapter 41:

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'Is Mimi okay?' Alora asks, putting a hand on my knee.

'Yeah, her and Rory are just resting in their new room.' I explain.

Alessandro and Adriano moved us to two rooms at the front of the house so we could have an easy escape if something ever happened.

'That whole thing must've been so scary,' she says, giving me a small smile.

'Not the best thing to wake up to.' I reply.

Xuan walks in and slumps onto the couch next to Alessandro.

'This is fucking depressing.' He says. 'Why don't we have some fun.'

'Shut up.' Alessandro mutters. 'Both my wife and daughter could've died, give us some time.'

'Sorry,' he mutters.

I grab Fouzia's arm and turn her towards me.

'Let go of me.' She snaps.

'Did you tell Vittoria about Dilara.' I spit.

'No,' she says.

My grip tightens and she flinches.

'I swear I didn't open my mouth.' She snaps.

Fouzia pulls herself out of my grip and goes to walk away when someone calls her back.

'Fouzia, Adriano,' Vittoria says, a smile in her face. 'Just the couple I was looking for.'

'We're not-' Fouzia starts.

'Hush child.' She says. My fists clench. 'Come to my office.'

We follow Vittoria to her office and sit down at a round table.

'I heard you two want a divorce.' She says, looking at me.

'We don't get on.' Fouzia snaps.

'I never liked her.' I reply.

'Well, this marriage was never truly about love.' Vittoria says. 'Unless another woman changed your mind, Dilara perhaps?'

'I don't know where she is.' I say, calmly. I'm not going to let her get the satisfaction of getting a reaction out of me.

She looks me up and down before turning to Fouzia.

'And what about you?' She asks. 'Why are you unhappy?'

'I don't love him,' she replies, gritting her teeth.

'This doesn't have to do with a certain ex girlfriend does it?' Vittoria raises an eyebrow.

'No,' Fouzia swallows. 'Even if it was, Dilara is no threat to me.'

Her eyes land on me and I glare at her. I know Dilara scares her, intimidates her even.

'Fine.' Vittoria says. 'Your divorce papers should be ready soon.'

She gets up and leaves Fouzia and I alone. The silence is defanging.

'You love her.' She says.

'I don't.' I reply.

'Yeah you do,' she turns to me. 'You look at her the way I wished you'd look at me.'

'I'm not going to have this conversation with you.' I stand up. 'Enjoy yourself Fouzia.'

I get up and leave the room. Fouzia doesn't deserve my thanks for keeping her mouth shut, it's the least she could do.

'Adriano, we've questioned Eliza about the fire.' Amira says, lowering her tone.

Her heels clack against the marble flooring as she walks beside me.

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