Chapter 26:

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I watch as Alessandro plays with Rory and feeds her some strawberries.

He seems like a good dad to her and him and Mimi are happy.

'When was she born?' I ask him.

'August 10th.' He replies.

Adriano took Fouzia out to calm her down and make sure she doesn't say anything to Vittoria.

Mimi's baking some cookies, and it smells amazing.

'Dilara watch Rory, I'm going to go help Mimi.' Alessandro says placing her on my lap.

I hold her close to me and she grabs my arms.

Her blonde hair falls in messy curls and she has the most gorgeous dark brown eyes.

She puts her small hand through the ends of my hair and giggles.

I smile at her and she puts her arms around my neck.

'What's your name?' I ask.

'R..Rory!' She giggles.

'I'm Dilara,' I reply, smiling.

'Pretty,' She gasps looking at my hair.

This girl is the cutest thing ever.

I pull her closer to me and she hugs me.

Adriano walks into the room with Xuan, Alora and Lorenzo behind him.

Alora has no problem sitting next to me and Rory starts clapping when she sees her.

'I see you two have been bonding,' Mimi says coming in with a plate of cookies.

'She's starting to grow on me.' I smile.

I look up and see Adriano watching me intently, he sees that I caught him and looks away.

'Fouzia isn't going to tell anyone that you're here but she's extremely against it.' Adriano says.

'Anyone would be upset if their partner was in the same house as their ex.' Lorenzo mutters.

Xuan clears his throat breaking the awkward silence.

'What did Vittoria want?' I ask Alora.

'She was asking us about you,' she replies. 'Everyone in the mafia has been ordered to kill you on sight if you're seen.'

That's just great.

'We briefed everyone on what you told us earlier.' Adriano says. 'They weren't pleased.'

'We were able to get a DNA sample and Amira is going to run it through.' Xuan explains.

I give him a small smile and he ignores it.

Rory continues to play with my hair and I smile down at her.

'Everyone else is going to come round tonight to talk about what we're going to do with you.' Alessandro says.

'Have you told Matteo yet?' I ask.

I remember him and I are the ones who took Adriano's 'death' the worst.

'No, and I'm not planning to.' Adriano replies.

He continues staring at me and I glare at him.

'Just because I helped you with this doesn't mean anything.' I say to no body but him. 'If I could, I would still kill you.'

'No murder talk in front of the baby,' Mimi sighs taking Rory off me.

She walks into the kitchen and I follow her.

'Mimi,' I say. 'I'm really sorry about everything.'

She stays silent, her back facing me as she places Rory in a high chair.

'I'm sorry for not calling and then calling out of the blue and then showing up randomly.' I say looking down. 'I know it'll take a while to make it up to you, but I'm willing to do it.'

Mimi turns to me and I see her eyes are teary, she pulls me into a tight hug that I return.

'Dilara, whether or not you talk to me, you will always be my best friend.' She says.

She holds my face in her hands and wipes my eyes.

'You're literally my sister, and I know you did what you did to protect me.' She says. 'You don't need to make up anything.'

'I've missed you,' she says.

'Me too,' I wipe my nose.

We sit down with Rory at the table and she starts filling me in on what I've missed.

It turns out that after I left Rory was born a month later and then Mimi and Alessandro had their wedding. They went to Greece for their honeymoon and Rory was with Zoya.

Adriano and Fouzia got married when they were back but didn't go on a honeymoon.

'Ever since you left, he's been more aggressive and angry.' Mimi shrugs.

'He hurt me, it's only fair I do the same.' I reply. 'Is this your place?'

'Yeah, Alessandro pulled a couple strings since we were tired of Vittoria.' Mimi explains. 'You're welcome to stay for however long you want.'

'I don't think Alessandro would enjoy that.' I sigh.

'He'll come around, he just wants to protect me.' She replies.

'Guys everyone's here, we should get started with the meeting.' Xuan says walking into the room.

We're all in the living room and Amira speaks first.

'I did a scan on the Diamond and it turns out it's the real deal.' She says. 'I've locked it in a safe that is extremely protected.'

'What about the DNA test?' Terzo asks.

'Still being processed.' She replies.

'What DNA test?'  Matteo asks.

'Don't worry about it,' Alessandro says.

'I'm not a child anymore, I should be allowed to know.' His eyes settle on me and he glares at me.

I smile at him in return.

'Stop complaining before we send you and your little girlfriend back home.' I snap.

'I'm not his girlfriend.' Jasmine says through gritted teeth.

'Why does Dilara have a say?' Matteo asks.

'She's given us information.' Adriano replies.

Zoya puts an arm on Matteo's shoulder and shakes her head, telling him it's not worth it.

'Now, enough chit chat, how are we going to break Blondie out of prison?' I ask.

I hope you're enjoying the story.
Have a nice day!

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