Chapter 58:

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Christianto sits opposite me, glaring at Adriano. Amira, Lorenzo, Terzo, Mimi all sit on one side of the table while Matteo, Amira, Alessandro sit on the other.

'So we all know my inheritance ceremony is coming up.' I say. 'We should attack then.'

'How do you know that it's still going to be on?' Alessandro asks.

Shit, he's right. I've been gone for so long that surely Dominico would've cancelled it.

'You can go back.' Christianto speaks up for the first time. 'Pretend.'

'What?' Matteo asks.

'Go back to Domincio, say you're sorry and that you were manipulated.' Christianto says. 'Easy peasy.'

'No.' Adriano says. 'That's out of the question.'

'He'll kill her.' Mimi says. 'There's no way.'

'Not if she brings him what he wants.' Christianto says.

'And what is that?' Lorenzo asks.

'Adriano,' he replies. 'Dead.'

'I'm not killing my boyfriend.' I snap.

'Oh you are all idiots.' Christianto mutters.

'I'm going to kill him.' Xuan snaps.

'Be my guest.' Terzo passes him a gun.

Christianto takes a deep breath, as if he were preparing to explain simple maths to a sixth grader

'Fake Adriano's death.' Christianto says. 'Dominico only wants to see a body, we can then attack from the inside.'

'We?' Amira scoffs. 'How can we trust you?'

'I've been un-cuffed for the whole meeting,' he says, pulling his hands from his back. The ropes we tied him up with are cut. 'I could've attacked you guys but I didn't.'

I consider this plan and look to Adriano who nods. This could be so dangerous and could result in both Adriano and I being killed.

'I could say that I only left so I could kill Adriano whiteout anyone on my back.' I say.

'Adriano can play dead.' Alessandro says. 'He fakes it until the ceremony where we all attack undercover.'

'So in nine months I go and beg Dominico to take me back.' I say.

'Nine months?' Christianto asks. 'Wha-'

'She's pregnant.' Adriano cuts him off. 'And she's keeping it.'

'Are you sure you want to keep it?' Christianto asks, glaring at Adriano..

'Yes.' I reply. 'It gives us more time.'

'They can't attack you.' Christianto mumbles. 'But there's no way they're going to stick to it.'

'If Vittoria doesn't stick to her rules then she'll die.' Alessandro says. 'I don't think that's a sacrifice she can make.'

'Where's Alora?' Lorenzo asks.

'Back off.' Xuan snaps. 'She's looking after Rory.'

We all look at Mimi for confirmation and she nods her head. I have a weird feeling in my stomach but push it away.

'In those months, we stock up our weapons and we train every single day.' Adriano says. 'Is that clear.'
Everyone nods.

'Does that mean I'm part of the team?' Christianto asks.

'We need him to help slip past Dominico.' I say. 'You could be useful.''

Everyone nods in reply and Adriano stands up.

'We protect Dilara at all costs.' Adriano says. 'She bears my heir.'

'Once she gives birth, the target on her back becomes bigger.' Alessandro says. 'The Ravens won't be the only mafia after her.'

Keeping this baby is going to put everyone in danger. Is this really what I want? I'll be in hiding for the rest of my life.

I always imagined that being a mom would be different. What if I'm not good enough for this child?

'Dilara are you ok?' Amira puts a hand on my arm.

'Yeah, just thinking,' I reply, smiling.

Christianto has been moved to our house but everyone is weary of him. He sits at the dinning table in silence as Lorenzo and Alora set the table.

'Can you call down Terzo?' Amira asks. I nod and make my way upstairs.

He's been locked away in his room ever since we came back from the meeting. I think Zoya being gone for so long has had a certain affect on him.

'Terzo?' I knock on his door. 'Can I come in?'

'Yeah,' his voice breaks.

I walk into his dark room, the curtains drawn as he sits crossed legged on the floor. He looks up at me and I see that his eyes are red, as if he's been...crying?

'Oh my god, are you ok?' I ask, crouching down next to him.

'It's been a week and still no sign of Zoya.' He wipes his nose with the back of his hand. 'Dilara she's not the traitor I swear.'

'I know, I believe you,' I say. 'I'm sure she's fine and just caught up with the recruits.'

'It doesn't make any sense.' He shakes his head. 'She would've called me by now.'
It breaks my heart to see him in this condition.

'Alora was the last one to be with her.' He lowers his voice. 'That has to mean something.'

My heart drops. What if Alora is the traitor?

'You're right.' I say to him. 'I promise you I'll look into it.'

He smiles up at me and I help him up. Amira had cooked for us tonight and I can't wait to try her soup.

I walk out of his room first and see Adriano making his way downstairs. When I walk into the kitchen, Alora places a plate in front of Xuan and gives his shoulder a squeeze.
She sees me staring and shoots me a smile.

I take my seat next to Adriano and he puts a hand on my thigh.

'This looks amazing,' Lorenzo smiles as Amira sits next to him.

'Yeah, I can't wait to try it.' Mimi says.

I eat in silence while Mimi talks about Alessandro's birthday coming up.

'You know I don't want anything.' He says.

'Come on please,' she smiles at him and his stern expression melts away. 'Let me spoil you.'

'If that's what makes you happy.' He mumbles. 'But you know I prefer buying you gifts.'

'You guys are so cute.' Alora laughs.

'I agree,' I say.

Adriano leans over to me and moves a strand of hair from my ear.

'I have a surprise for you tonight,' he says, his lips brushing my ear.

'I can't wa-' I'm cut off by Xuan aggressively coughing.

I look over at him and his face is twisted as he continues coughing.

'Get him some water!' Amira exclaims.

Lorenzo passes him a glass of water but it doesn't help at all. It causes Xuan to start coughing even more.

'I feel nauseous,' he says.

Xuan gets out of his seat, barely able to stand upright and he stumbles to the sink where he starts vomiting. Alora rushes to his side and rubs his back.
He starts vomiting blood and his legs give way underneath him before he passes our.

One of the worst ways I can end a chapter😭. I know you guys hate cliff hangers but I love them soooooo much!
I hope you're all enjoying the story!
Have a nice day!

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