Chapter 52:

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'Vittoria was right, you do have a rat.' Christianto says. 'But they're not currently in this room.'

'Tell us who it is.' I warn. 'I'm not fucking around.'

Christianto smiles at me, exposing the blood on his teeth.

'Who is it?' Xuan asks.

'Tell us.' Amira says.

'Now where's the fun in that.' Christianto laughs.

'He's really starting to piss me off.' Lorenzo snaps.

He steps forward and Amira places a hand on his arm.

I look at Adriano who's staring at Christianto, his gaze cool and calculating.

'I said you'd get a better room if you cooperate.' I say. 'I won't go back on my word.'

Christianto looks at me, and I can see that he's considering my offer.

'You can go fuck pretty boy over there, who seems to have a staring problem.' Christianto spits.

'I'm going to kill him.' Adriano snaps.

He walks towards the cell and grabs the collar of Christianto's shirt, pulling him against the metal bars.

'Who the fuck is the traitor.' He yells.

'Go fuck yourself.' Christianto spits.

'He's going to get himself killed.' Xuan drawls.

Adriano pulls him against the bars and a piece of metal slices his face.

Amira flinches a little and Lorenzo looks at her comfortingly.

'If you don't start speaking, I'm going to kill you just like Dilara killed your bitch of a sister.' Adriano snarls.

'You have no choice Christianto.' I say. 'If we don't kill you, Matteo's going to come do the job here himself.'

Christianto looks me up and down, his eyes lingering on the waistband of my jeans.

'Dilara you still look good,' he smirks. Adriano pulls him against the bars again and christianto slumps to the floor.

'Amira give me the key.' He snarls.

'Adriano we can't,' she starts.

'You can't,' he corrects. 'But I'll do whatever the fuck I want.'

'Watch ur tone.' Lorenzo warns. 'We're all here to work together.'

Adriano narrows his eyes.

'Amira, give me the key.' She passes the key over without another word and I step in front of the cell door.

'Adriano we need him alive.' I say.

'Dilara, get out of my way.' He snarls, his voice dangerously low. 'I'm going to get the information out, even if it kills him.'

He face tells me that there's no argument in the decision so I step to the side and allow him to deal with Christianto.

'Give him an hour,' Xuan puts a hand on my shoulder. 'We'll have our answer by then.'

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