Chapter 30:

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I try to reach my lower back and clean my wound with the rubbing alcohol but I'm unsuccessful.

'Come on,' I mutter, trying again.

The door to the bathroom opens and Adriano stands infront of me.

His hair is messy and the first five buttons on his shirt are unbuttoned. His Sleeves are rolled up, exposing his tattoos.

I pull down my shirt and start cleaning up my mess.

'Let me help,' he says.

'I'm fine.' I reply tonelessly.

'Stop being stubborn,' he mutters walking closer to me.

He picks up the rubbing alcohol and pulls up the bottom of my shirt and cleans the wound.

'About last night,' I start.

'Don't stress about it, it would've been on my conscience if you died out there.' He replies.

I look down at his hands and his silver wedding ring shines in the light.

'I can do the rest myself,' I say.

I grab a bandage and wrap it around my torso. Adriano's eyes go down to the one around my wrist.

'What happened to your snake tattoo?' He asks.

I open up one of Mimi's draws and take out her makeup wipes.

'Makeup,' I explain, wiping some of it, exposing the black tattoo.

'You know you don't have to cover it here' He says.

'I want to,' I reply, cleaning up all the bloodied tissues. 'I'm not part of your mafia anymore.'

I walk out, leaving him alone in the bathroom. While I make my way to my room and Jasmine stops me.

'How can we trust you?' She asks.

'I haven't killed anyone yet,' I shrug.

I go to walk away but she calls me back.

'How was he?' She asks. 'How was D.D?'

'You didn't know his name?' I turn around to her.

We figured out shortly after Adriano's 'death' that Jasmine was a member of The Ravens before we found her.

'No, he kept himself hidden even to me.' She says. 'And he treated me like a daughter.'

'He spoke to me normally, probably because I'm his granddaughter.' I shrug.

I didn't think he kept any secrets, but clearly he kept many. Especially from me.

'And Christianto?' She asks.

I freeze.

'They're both assholes.' I mutter. 'You're better off without them, we both are.'

She gives me a small smile.

'Dilara, I know some of the stuff you might've been through, you can talk to me if you want.' She says quietly. 'I've been through the same.'

I eye her suspiciously and she sees it.

Jasmine turns around and lifts her shirt and I see the exact same scars that are on my back on hers.

On one of her shoulders is a burn mark of a circle with wings in it.

The Raven crest.

After my inheritance ceremony that crest would be planted into my skin forever.

'Torture?' I ask

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