"Sure, something else?"

"Uhh, can I also have a creamy iced coffee?"

"Coming right up, will that be all for you today?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Alrighty, it's going to be eleven with nineteen cents, will it be with cash or card."

"Card." I said pulling out my card from my wallet when I felt someone slapping the card out of my hand. I looked up and realized that it was Alejandro.

"Take this card ma'am." He said giving his card to the woman.

"I was going to pay for it, you didn't have to do that."

"I said to use my card, not yours princess."

"Well thank you, but I also have a card. I could've paid." I said handing him his wallet.

The coffees were ready and I went to go get them. I gave Alejandro the iced coffee when I saw his expression change.

"You got me a creamy iced coffee?"

"Yeah I didn't only wanted to get myself a coffee."

"Well actually this is my favorite coffee. You really can read me like a book, huh?" He said with a cocky voice.

We went back to the car and he drove off to my 'job'

I got out of the car and thanked him for the ride. I was about to go inside the restaurant when I heard him call out my name.

"Where are you going Tay." He said. I turned around and told him that I was going inside my job.

"That isn't your job love. That's your job over there." He said pointing to my actual job. I felt my heart go to my stomach as my face turned pale. I wanted to run but I didn't wanted to get chased all over town.

"H-how did y-you know?" I said with an actually scared voice this time.

"It's fine Taylor, I won't kill you just because your a detective. Just promise me one thing." He said.

"Which is?"

"Don't even try to put me in jail love or else it'll go very harsh on you." He said with an evil smirk winking at me before driving off

I stayed outside of the restaurant processing everything that had just happened, but now that he knows that I actually worked as a detective I couldn't put him in jail. My life was on the line and I didn't want to risk it.

I entered the building and everyone looked at me as if I was a ghost.

"Why are you guys looking at me like that?" I said with a confused voice.

"You were gone for six weeks Taylor and you just randomly show up again at work." Jayla said.

"Yeah, i-uhm had a rough week and forgot to text my boss."

"Oh, that sucks, well he's actually waiting for you in his office."

I nodded at her and walked to my boss's office. I knocked on the door when I heard a voice saying come in. I went in and sat on the couch. My boss turned around and sat in front of me with a file in his hands.

"I heard that you had a rough week?"

"Yeah, and I apologize for not texting you. I was just to drained and busy and stressed with everything." I said making up a story knowing that I was kidnapped by Clyde working as a slave and hooker.

"It's okay Taylor you don't need to apologize but I need to ask you something?" He said making me start overthinking.

"Yeah sure, what is it?"

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