Chapter 54: The Alley

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3rd December 1977
Time had flown by, the end of term tests were just finished and the first weekend free of studying for the non stop tests was spent in Hogsmeade. It was cold and snowing now. Students wore everything from gloves and beanies to boots, long underpants and three layers of coats. Rosalind wasn't one of them.

She kept insisting that the cold was made to make people look like stuffed animals. She had her jumper and her favourite pair of jeans, the dark blue ones with embroidery on the lower part of her legs. Sophia had forced a beanie on her head along with gloves on her hands. Rosalind had however taken off the gloves and put them in her back pocket as quickly.

First on their list was Gladrags Wizardwear. They needed to update their wardrobes a little. Especially with the break coming up. It had been hard picking out clothes lately, either it wasn't that stylish or it had been worn too many times that they had gotten bored of it.

Rosalind bought a new pair of jeans, three long armed t-shirts and a nice pair of silly socks from their fantastic collection. She still debated whether she was gonna gift it to her brother or not. Sophia bought some basic clothes to help put outfits together. Lydia bought a lot of socks to give as gifts to her friends and family. If you only had a family to give gifts to.

Then the trip continued. Scrivenshaft's Quill Shop was the next stop. They needed to stock up on quills, and ink. There was thieves around Hogwarts who mercilessly took quills from other students. Rosalind had bought enough to last her until spring break at least.

Their last annual stop was honeydukes, they always waited with it since everyone always went there first. They thought it might be less crowded and that you even might be able to walk around without having the urge to knock somebody to the floor.

The entered the sweet smelling shop as the bell rang.
Rosalind immediately went to the chocolate frogs, hoping some would be left. Unfortunately only one was there. She reached for it when suddenly a pale arm snatched it right in front of her. She locked up and saw none other than Natasha Carnius.

"Ops, did you want this?" she asked as she held up the last chocolate frog. Rosalind couldn't help but notice at least ten more in her basket. "Yes, can I have it?" Rosalind asked nicely. "Since you're asking so nicely- absolutely not." she said with a big smile as she turned on her heel and left.

"You don't need all that, don't want to start looking like a marshmallow." Rosalind grinned and crossed her arms. "What did you say?" she asked and turned around. "I'm sorry, if you keep eating all that you will forever have the body shape of a marshmallow." she said with a sweet smile.

"I'm gonna kick your arse." she said, shuffling through innocent students to get to Rosalind. "I would like to see you try." she said. "As the brave Gryffindor you are, you probably won't hesitate to take down the scary Slytherin. The lions are so typical, always thinking that they are the hero when you in this case are a whore that insults everyone you meet."

"You're pathetic, Bulstrode. You're always on and off with Black. It is embarrassing to see you two behave the way you do. You hate him, you love him, you hate him and then you suddenly love him again." she said with an aggressive shrug.

"I have never loved, Black!" Rosalind yelled. "Then why are you snogging and screwing him every other week? Oh wait, you must be a slag then. Seeking for attention because your parents didn't give you any!"

Rosalind had to physically hold herself to a table not to leap at the woman. It wasn't enough. Rosalind threw herself at Natasha, bringing her to the floor. "You stop meddling in things you aren't suppose to meddle in! YOU DON'T KNOW MY PARENTS SO DO NOT EVER INSULT THEM AGAIN!" she shouted, they had gained quite a crowd in the candy shop. It was lucky first years weren't aloud to visit. Some might actually have shot themselves.

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