Chapter 26: Interventions

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22nd February 1977
Rosalind walked up to the bleachers a few minutes late. The match had already begun and she desperately tried to find Sophia, Lydia or really anyone to sit with on the bleachers.

But it was helpless, the bleachers were full of students and everyone looked exactly the same with their Slytherin scarfs, beanies and black clothes.

After all it was the match between Slytherin and Gryffindor that decided which team that would go on to the finale.

Every student in Slytherin was there and every space was occupied by someone or something. Rosalind gave therefor up and just stood where she stood. With the help of the commentator she could make out what was happening

Right now James Potter had the quaffle and was flying towards the Slytherin hoops, the Slytherin beaters were trying to hit him with the bludgers and the keeper waited with anticipation. The two seekers were hovering above the field, trying to find the golden snitch amongst the players.

The Gryffindor students gasped when a bludger hit James and he dropped the quaffle. Luckily for the Slytherins, Oliver Travers caught the quaffle and flew towards the Gryffindor hoops where he made a goal. The Slytherins cheered and applauded.

Pretty much nothing exciting happened for another thirty minutes. A few goals were made but Gryffindor was still in the lead with 40 points more.

Regulus was suddenly flying quickly across the field in full speed. "It seems like Regulus Black has spotted the snitch!" the commentator exclaimed. Everyone's eyes followed Regulus' every movement until he had caught the snitch and had it in his palm. The Gryffindor seeker had been on the other side of the field and hadn't made it in time to catch the snitch before Regulus. The Gryffindors were very disappointed, they wouldn't get a chance to win the quidditch cup this year. Sirius Black took out his anger quickly, he threw his broom on the grass and dramatically left the pitch.

The Slytherin quidditch players ascended from the air and was jumping together in a big circle. The students started to run out onto the field from the bleachers. Rosalind saw Sophia standing on the bleachers when the students had emptied a bit of it out. "There you are." Sophia said and walked towards Rosalind.

"Here I am." Rosalind responded awkwardly.

Sophia eyed her carefully before she grabbed her hand and walked down from the bleachers. Rosalind spotted her brother and went forward and hugged him. "Congrats on the win." she said and clapped her brother on his back, jokingly. Frederick laughed before he had the decency to respond. 

"Thank you, dear sister." he finally replied with a big smile and then he bowed.


The Slytherin common room was the place where the celebration party was held. Loud music was everywhere and students were shouting and cheering. Regulus was in the middle since he caught the snitch and with him stood Barty and Evan. They enjoyed the attention way more. They downed fire whiskey and shouted loudly.

The common room had been decorated nicely, Slytherin banners hung from the ceiling. The drinks table had been charmed so only people fifteen or older could touch the cups. If you tried and were under fifteen, you would get a sort of electric shock.

Rosalind and Sophia stayed away from the fire whiskey. It was school tomorrow and they didn't want a bad headache. Plus they were only fifteen so they could have fun in other ways.

Frederick tripped into the circle, a little tipsy. But he wanted to hold a speech. "Cheers for our amazing seeker, Regulus Black!" he shouted and raised his glass of fire whiskey.

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