Chapter 1: New Greetings

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1st September 1976
The Bulstrodes strolled onto platform 9 3/4 half an hour before the train was due to leave. Monica and Charles Bulstrode were extra proud that day.

Their son, Frederick had gotten assigned quidditch captain for the Slytherin team and their daughter, Rosalind was assigned prefect, also for the Slytherin house.

Rosalind and her brother pushed their carts with their trunks on, trying to get past all the families. While they were walking, Rosalind spotted Sophia with her parents and older brother. But she only nodded as a way to greet her, they could catch up with each other on the train, away from all the adults and eavesdropping kids.

"Remember, no interaction with blood-traitors, mud bloods or half bloods." Monica instructed her kids as they neared the part of the platform where the most of the Slytherin families gathered before sending off their children to board the Hogwarts express.

The reason everyone stood at that part of the platform was for a very simple reason, it was in front of the Slytherin train carriage. Well the carriage wasn't marked for the Slytherin students but over the years, everyone knew the carriage as the one for the Slytherins and only the Slytherin students dared to sit there.

The other houses just sat where there was room, except for the marauders, they had occupied the compartment in the back of the train for themselves and had been sitting there since their first year.

Rosalind nodded impatiently, four months at Hogwarts, without parents, just her at Hogwarts, taking classes, hanging out with Sophia. Nothing could destroy her mood, well almost nothing.

It seemed like her parents had said their bit and Frederick and Rosalind were ready to board the train. But a hand on Rosalind's shoulder stopped her. She turned around to face her grumpy looking father. He was quite old, not too old but she noticed how his dark hair had started to turn slightly gray and he had started to get wrinkles.

"Rosalind, it would be really mature of you to be polite and build a type of relationship with Regulus Black this year, he is after all your future husband." he said plainly as he patted her on her shoulder.

"I will try my best, father." she answered politely with a fake smile, probably the fakest one she had ever made. She only got a weird look from her father in return.

He did not like people smiling, let alone fake smiling and Rosalind could agree with that.

But no matter how much fake-smiling she did, she was not going to try a shit with that stupid, annoying git. She quickly left to board the train after saying a quick goodbye to her parents.

She caught a glimpse of the Blacks entering the platform before she disappeared into the train, her good mood immediately changed into a bad one when she saw Regulus. She also noticed that Sirius wasn't with them, maybe they had forced him to stay home for this year.

When Rosalind had boarded the train she heard some obnoxious laughing coming from her right. Of course she looked to see what might've caused this disturbance and only rolled her eyes when she saw the self proclaimed marauders walking down the corridor and laughing.

Then she remembered, Sirius had run away this summer and gotten himself disowned.  It was all her parents had talked about.

She and Sophia sat down at one of the tables in the carriage, unfortunately all the compartments were full by now.

"Didn't your brother get assigned quidditch captain?" Sophia asked as she made herself comfortable.

"He sure did." Rosalind stated.

"You know how I have always been betrothed to Evan Rosier?" Sophia continued, changing the subject.

Without waiting for a response she continued, "My parents betrothed me to William Mulciber instead since Evan's cousin turned out to be a squib."

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