Chapter 53: Broom Closet

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It was evening and curfew had just started. Rosalind was not looking forward to patrolling, especially because of Regulus' bitterness this morning. Rosalind waited for him in the common room and while doing so, she was talking to Lydia.

They were talking about the upcoming test in transfiguration. Lydia was a little nervous about it. Rosalind took her chance and asked about Audrey and Hazel. They hadn't talked to her much and she couldn't help but worry if they avoided her because of the whole Regulus fiasco.

"Audrey is kinda mad at you." Lydia shrugged. "But she'll get over it in some time." she continued. Rosalind nodded, it wasn't like Audrey was a very important person to her. She just disliked it when people avoided her. If you have a problem, say it. That was one thing she respected about Regulus, he wasn't afraid to speak up to her.

After twenty minutes Regulus still hadn't showed up in the common room. How pissed was he really? She gave up and said goodbye to Lydia before she left the common room. She started to walk the usual patrol routine alone. It was even more boring when she couldn't talk to or argue with Black.

She walked past the kitchen and the Hufflepuff common room. It was quiet in the corridors. Seemed like the students weren't up to anything not good right now. She walked up a flight of stairs and past a broom cupboard. When she had walked past it she heard noises coming from it.

She wasn't sure if she hallucinated. Rosalind took a few steps backwards and listened intently. She defiantly heard a girl moaning and a bloke muttering something while groaning. She knocked sharply on the door twice. The moaning immediately stopped.

She heard some more noises, it seemed like they were gathering their things and putting on the clothes that had been taken off. They were buttoning their uniforms.

Then the door opened and out walked a Ravenclaw girl. A ravenclaw Rosalind had never seen before. She might be in fifth year. She had brown hair and dark eyes. "Oh hi, Bulstrode." she said and closed the door behind her. "What is it for me? Points taken?Detention? Expelled?" she said the last word jokingly.

"Haha, points taken." Rosalind muttered. "Who's in there?" she asked, trying to look behind the Ravenclaw.

"No one." she answered quickly, too quickly.

"You can't make out by yourself." Rosalind said. The Ravenclaw gave her a look. "You wouldn't do it in a storage room would you?" Rosalind asked. "I think I heard a man's voice."

"It was only me. I like to do role playing." she answered shyly. "You would be sick if that was true." Rosalind said before weakly pushing the girl to the side and opening the door.

"Regulus?" she asked, her brows furrowed. "Hi, Bulstrode." Rosalind looked between the two of them. "Yuck. This is what you did instead of your prefects duties?" she asked, disappointed.

"No, it's first in a half hour." he argued, buttoning his shirt."10 o'clock not 11 o'clock, Black." Rosalind muttered and crossed her arms over her chest. "Curfew starts at ten.You've been here for over five years and you seriously don't know that?" she asked. "Stupid. And instead of patrolling the corridors you're out being a slag. This isn't the first time I've found you in a cupboard with a girl from Ravenclaw." she continued.

Regulus just stared at her as she ranted about his sex life. "You sure have a type, Ravenclaws and brunettes."

"Right, Hoopkins." he said when he remembered her. "She the other one you're thinking of right?" the girl asked.

"Who else's would I think of."

"No one." she answered, looking at Rosalind who too had dark hair and brown eyes. The Ravenclaw girl left them and went back to her common room. The silence between them was too unbearable for her.

Rosalind and Regulus started to walk down the corridor. Not saying anything. Regulus was a bit embarrassed that Rosalind had found him fooling around with- What was her name?

He was sure she told him, was it Marissa? No, something that definitely started with a S. Stacey? Or was it L?

Rosalind was annoyed, this day couldn't suck more. She sighed as she looked around the corridors. Well, she was wrong. The group of self proclaimed marauders ran through the corridor in front of them. "Prefects!" they shouted as they ran past. "Stop!" she yelled and to her surprise they stopped. She and Regulus walked up to the four mischief makers.

"Hello, prefects." James greeted them. Sirius stood and grinned next to him. Peter looked down at his feet.

"You're head boy- he's the head boy." Rosalind said and turned to Regulus. "Can we still punish them?" she asked and put her hands on her hips.

"We can punish the three others at least." Regulus shrugged. "But they are all out after curfew." Rosalind argued and turned to point at them. However, they were gone.

"Where the heck did they go?" Regulus asked, looking down the empty corridor. Rosalind sighed. "And now they are gone."

They heard somebody giggle, presumably James or Sirius. "We can still hear you, you know." Regulus said, looking down the empty corridor. "Gits." Rosalind muttered.

"Let's just keep going." Regulus said and so they left the four pranksters. Rosalind looked over at Regulus every now and then. But she didn't know what to say. So she kept quiet as they did their rounds.

I don't like this chapter at all, it is more a filler before the next.
And I love the next chapter so bear with me<333

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